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GitHubReleaseNotesGenerator is a tool to generate GitHub release notes based on labels and searches.

Example project: Here

Example Release Notes : Here

Getting Started

Specifiy repository owner, name, milestone, and GitHub credentials.

GitHubReleaseNotesGenerator gitHubReleaseNotesGenerator = new GitHubReleaseNotesGenerator(
    "[Repository Owner]",
    "[Repository Name]",
    "[Milestone Name]",
    new Credentials("[GitHub Token]"));

Generating Release Notes

See below for specifying the release notes request.

string releaseNotes = await gitHubReleaseNotesGenerator.CreateReleaseNotes(new ReleaseNotesRequest());

Default Requests

Create release notes for enhancement and bug labels and unlabeled issues.

ReleaseNotesRequest defaultRequest = ReleaseNotesRequestBuilder.CreateDefault(gitHubReleaseNotesGenerator.Repository, gitHubReleaseNotesGenerator.Milestone);

Create release notes for all labels and unlabeled issues.

ReleaseNotesRequest allLabelsRequest = await ReleaseNotesRequestBuilder.CreateForAllLabels(gitHubReleaseNotesGenerator.GitHubClient, gitHubReleaseNotesGenerator.Repository, gitHubReleaseNotesGenerator.Milestone);

Basic Request

Create a release note request specifying the sections you want. Sections can be custom by specifying the title and label (optional: emoji) or any built-in sections.

ReleaseNotesRequest releaseNotesRequest = ReleaseNotesRequestBuilder.CreateCustom(gitHubReleaseNotesGenerator.Repository, gitHubReleaseNotesGenerator.Milestone, new List<SectionRequest>
    new SectionRequest("[Title]", "[Label]"),
    new SectionRequest("[Title]", "[Label]", "[Emoji]"),
    SectionRequestBuilder.CreateEnhancement(), // Built-in options

Advanced Requests

Create a custom RepositoryIssueSectionRequest.

RepositoryIssueSectionRequest customRepositoryIssueSectionRequest = new RepositoryIssueSectionRequest
    Title = "[Title]",
    RepositoryIssueRequest = new RepositoryIssueRequest
        // Milestone
        // Assignee
        // Creator
        // Mentioned
        // Filter
        // State
        // Labels
        // SortProperty
        // SortDirection
        // Since
    Emoji = "[Emoji]",

Create a custom SearchIssueSectionRequest.

SearchIssueSectionRequest customSearchIssueSectionRequest = new SearchIssueSectionRequest
    Title = "[Title]",
    SearchIssuesRequest = new SearchIssuesRequest
        // Archived
        // User
        // Comments
        // Closed
        // Base
        // Head
        // Status
        // Merged
        // Updated
        // Created
        // Is
        // Language
        // No
        // Labels
        // State
        // Team
        // Involves
        // Commenter
        // Mentions
        // Assignee
        // Author
        // Involves
        // Type
        // Sort
        // SortField
        // Repos
        // Exclusions
    Emoji = "[Emoji]",

Emoji Support

Override emojis used in section titles by setting the EmojiHelper.EmojiDictionary where the key is the label name and value is the emoji name.

EmojiHelper.EmojiDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { "enhancement", ":star:" },
    { "bug", ":beetle:" },
    { "unlabeled", ":pushpin:" },
    { "documentation", ":book:" },
    { "invalid", ":x:" },
    { "contributors", ":heart:" },
    { "build", ":wrench:" },
    { "help wanted", ":thought_balloon:" }

⭐ Powered By:


GitHubReleaseNotesGenerator is a tool to generate GitHub release notes based on labels and searches.




