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Made during ETHLondon 2023 hackathon

A mobile first cross-chain escrow service, leveraging Wormhole for seamlesss bridging ✨

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Blockchain networks operate in silos, each with its own unique features and ecosystems. While this diversity fosters innovation, it also presents challenges when users want to trade assets across different chains. Traditional escrow services have acted as intermediaries to mitigate counterparty risks, but they often introduce inefficiencies and centralization. Introducing:

LESTER: A Mobile-First Cross-Chain Escrow Solution

The LESTER project, conceived at ETHLondon, seeks to address these challenges by combining self-sovereign identity, blockchain bridging, and account abstraction to create a user-friendly, mobile-first cross-chain escrow service for a secure and frictionless experience. It enables users to securely trade assets across different blockchain networks via multichain escrow aggregator agent while making the experience LESS TERRIBLE!


Slides: Check out our deck here.

Visual Prototype: Try and feel our UX here.

Design Process: Explore our minimalistic UX design here.

Demo: Watch our video here.

Brainstorming: See our thinking process here.

License: GNU General Public License v3.0

Sponsors Tech Used


We've created Wormhole hook and basic ISM for the upcoming Hyperlane V3 for additional security. It takes a message from Mailbox and forwards it to the Wormhole relayer using postDispatch function. The hook implements IPostDispatchHook for full compatibility with the Hyperlane.


Making the transaction cross-chain themselves is not enough. That's why we've decided to integratete Etherspot Transaction Kit in order to implement Account Abstraction for the end-user as a part of a better UX.


Wormhole bridge is in the core of our application. It transfers messages about Payment request escrow state between supported chains and abstracting chain selection away from the end-user. Thanks to this infrastructure, a user connecting to the dApp doesn't have to worry about choosing specific chain, whether or not their tokens are on the same chain as the one selected by the other user. With support for pretty much any EVM chain we can imagine example where Alice connects on Polygon and will use it to send transaction, initial funds that she's going to use are stored partially on Optimism and partially Arbitrum. Then the Bob can still use Ethereum to request the money from Alice on other chain without worrying about manual bridging of tokens and manual withdrawals/deposits.


The project uses Scaffold-Eth-2 as a base for mobile dApp to speed up development process. We've used its exposed React hooks for easier integration. The automatic hardhat ABI generation was extremally helpful, especially for debugging smart contracts.


Celo Alfajores testnet:

LesterToken.sol - 0x8600b6D612AeA51cEFb960b7EC6Ea37976424d0C EscrowSingleChain.sol - 0x225Fe3e0271EfD4b21f8695d2932A180759aD718

Avalanche Fuji testnet:

LesterToken.sol - 0x353a8b122ea3C5214f14A5A8c1a73a6865923496 EscrowSingleChain.sol - 0x0FbDeA202a2457B18D59f858f2c650F41C49bf54



Hyperlane - Build a Hyperlane V3 Hook

Etherspot - Best Implementation of Etherspot's TransactionKit + Best Security Implementation

Wormhole - Cross-chain App

Scaffold-ETH 2 - Build using Scaffold-ETH


Flare - No Code Challange x Best Content - view our memes here

Rarimo - Identity in DeFi Challange - find our article here

Euler - Euler Lens Challange - check out our loop here


DISCLAIMER: Our project has been created from scratch at the ETHLondon.

It is based on the Scaffold-Eth-2 template and various boilerplate starters for the Wormhole.


Project for the EthLondon hackathon 2023 organized by the Encode







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