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Callum Jones edited this page Jan 13, 2020 · 4 revisions

ACSR Configuration

What is ACSR?

Assetto Corsa Skill Ratings is a new service for organising and taking part in Championships through Assetto Corsa Server Manager. When you set up a Championship in Server Manager, you will be given the option to "Export to Assetto Corsa Skill Ratings". This publishes your Championship to the ACSR Championships List page, so that drivers can find your Championship and sign up to it!

ACSR requires Server Manager Premium. Follow the instructions in Server Manager to upgrade!

How to set up ACSR

This section describes how to enable ACSR on your Server Manager install. These steps only need to be completed once.

Preparing Server Manager

Note: if you are a customer of, you can skip this step and proceed to "Requesting an API Key" below.

A prerequisite of using ACSR is that your Server Manager install is accessible from the web. This means that you have to forward ports or put server manager behind a reverse proxy to make it accessible. You can view some example guides for doing this below:

Port Forwarding Guides

Reverse Proxy Guides

Once you have done that, it is important that you tell Server Manager that it can be accessed from the web. You do this with the following steps:

  1. Open Server Manager's config.yml in your favourite text editor
  2. Find the http section
  3. Set server_manager_base_URL to a value, e.g.
    (note: no forward slash at the end)
  4. Save the config.yml
  5. Restart Server Manager

Requesting an API Key

Each Server Manager install requires an API Key and Account ID to communicate with ACSR. The steps below describe how to set them up. (You can use the same API Key and Account ID with multiple Server Manager installs if you wish.)

  1. Sign up for an account at, by clicking the "Sign in through Steam" button at the top of the page.
  2. Go to the "Account" page (linked in the top right of the navigation).
  3. In the box labelled "API Key", click the blue "Request API Key" button. The page will generate two values which are unique to your account. Do not share these values with anyone!
  4. In Server Manager, go to the Server Options page. Scroll down to "Assetto Corsa Skill Rating". Turn the checkbox to "on".
  5. Copy your ACSR Account ID as displayed in your ACSR account, and paste it in the "ACSR Account ID" field in the Server Options.
  6. Copy your ACSR API Key as displayed in your ACSR account, and paste it in the "ACSR API Key" field in the Server Options.
  7. Save the Server Options.

Setting up an ACSR Championship

Once you have successfully installed ACSR, you will be able to configure an ACSR Championship. This is simple, just create a Championship like you normally would, and turn on the "Export to Assetto Corsa Skill Ratings" switch. You'll notice that this makes the Championship require a Sign Up form -- this is so that people coming from ACSR can request a place in the Championship!

Be sure to configure the Sign Up form as you wish, and to give the Championship a useful description so people know what to expect! ACSR Championships work best with scheduled events.


Should you have any problems configuring ACSR, you can find help in the following places: