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This project is my playground for training for GLSL and aslo for making full screen effect. I am liking this project to the latest version of react with r3f or in full name react-three-fiber.


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This project is my playground for training for GLSL and aslo for making full screen effect. I am liking this project to the latest version of react with r3f or in full name react-three-fiber.

GLSL is hard language to learn because of the small resources available but it happens to be at the same time the most impressive effect that a website could have.

Plan of the presentation

I explain with all the details how I build the project and my way of working.


  • Experience 1: Creating a noise materials
  • Experience 2: Creating a fire materials (perfect for transition between one slide to another)
  • Experience 3: Testing the postprocessing on r3f
  • Experience 4: Creating a glitch effect
  • Experience 5: Adding a full screen with fog and two color (mouse hover)
  • Experience 6: Playing with the mandelbrot fractal
  • Experience 6: Playing with the kifs ()


  • Tutorial 1: Drawing a circle by hypothenuse
  • Tutorial 2: Max for drawing a rectangle
  • Tutorial 3: Understanding step with a rectangle
  • Tutorial 4: Drawing a circle
  • Tutorial 5: Using a frac for drawing a zen garden
  • Tutorial 6: Varying the radius of a circle for drawing forms
  • Tutorial 7: Creating a shader using the shaderMaterial from drei
  • Tutorial 8: Creating a moving circle
  • Tutorial 9: Rotating a squarewith rotating matrix
  • Tutorial 10: Multiple shape all together
  • Tutorial 11: Cliping, fusion of multiple shapes
  • Tutorial 12: How to draw a line
  • Tutorial 13: Ray Marching - How to draw a sphere
  • Tutorial 14: Multiple object and with color
  • Tutorial 15: Rotate an object around a pivot
  • Tutorial 16: Move the camera
  • Tutorial 17: Camera looking at a point



Code documentation

The jsdoc can be generated locally with the following command :

npm run build:docs


Organization of the global folder

Folder's Name Description of the folder
out The documentation generated by jsdoc
public Regroup the images and public files
src Regroup the source code

Organization of the src folder

Folder's Name Description of the folder
components Regroup the components used inside the pages
constants Regroup the exported constants
pages Regroup the components representing the pages
services Regroup the services of the app
styles Regroup the scss files


Creating a page

For creating a new page, you need to set create a components inside the folder pages and to connect it in app by creating a Panel with the size of the page and creating the route.


  • react-app-rewired: Allow us to rewrite the config of React without ejecting the app
  • customize-cra: Allow us to rewrite the config of webpack and create module alias
  • eslint: For linting the code with EsLint
  • @babel/eslint-parser: Changing the parser for having access to eslint in babel
  • eslint-config-airbnb: For having the set of rules airbnb for eslint
  • eslint-plugin-import: For managing the alias import with eslint
  • eslint-plugin-react: For managing the react rules
  • prettier: For formating the style of the code
  • eslint-plugin-prettier: For using the prettier package with esLint
  • sass: For using the SASS css preprocessor (scss)
  • jsdoc: For managing the dev documentation of the project
  • react-router-dom: For managing the router and the path to the differents pages
  • react-helmet: For managing the meta of the differents page
  • three: Allow us to use the webgl easily
  • @react-three/fiber: For connecting three with react
  • @react-three/drei: An extension of r3f for using the shader
  • wouter: For managing the routing of the app easily


For running the API, a single command is needed.

npm run start


  • npm run start: Run the linter and then the project
  • npm run build: Build the project
  • npm run test: Run the test of the project
  • npm run eject: Eject the application (sometimes necessary)
  • npm run linter:fix: Run the linter and fix the errors
  • npm run build:docs: Build the documentation from the comments in the code
  • npm run check-update: Check if the package are up to date (for now, everything is except the testing and webvital)


This project is my playground for training for GLSL and aslo for making full screen effect. I am liking this project to the latest version of react with r3f or in full name react-three-fiber.





