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Releases: Justin-DynamicD/DSC-Manager

Improved query speed to csv file

22 Jan 03:02
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SQL updates are next ... but for now the csv file is being sped up.

Fixed the Password merge process

18 Jan 06:56
Choose a tag to compare

Turns out password merging should actually work ...

Fix up Password solution

15 Jan 01:37
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This release adds a (very) simple password solution that pulls all passwords from an XML file. A sample file will be created if missing, but the idea is it's stored in a separate NTFS folder (lock it down) in it's own directory so it's not synced with git yet easily updatable if needed.

Eventually will replace with a more "mature" encrypted password vault concept, but for now this is pretty easy to use and solid.

Re-Hydrating DSC-Manager

14 Jan 03:00
Choose a tag to compare

Republishing as a fresh Repo was created.