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This project is a command-line interface (CLI) program for managing a library's system. The program is written in Java and provides the following menu options:

  • B - Manage Book Repository: Allows the user to add, remove, print, and sort books in the library's repository based on specific criteria, such as ISBN number, book name, author name, genre, year, and condition.
  • C - Checkout Book: Allows the user to checkout a book from the library by entering the book's ISBN number.
  • N - Add New Book: Allows the user to add a new book to the library's repository by entering the book's details, such as ISBN number, book name, author name, genre, year, and condition.
  • R - Remove Book: Allows the user to remove a book from the library's repository by entering the book's ISBN number.
  • P - Print Repository: Allows the user to print the entire book repository or a subset of it based on specific criteria, such as ISBN number, book name, author name, genre, year, and condition.
  • S - Sort Shelf: Allows the user to sort the books in the library's repository based on specific criteria, such as ISBN number, book name, author name, genre, year, and condition.
  • Return Commands
  • R - Manage Return Stack: Allows the user to manage the return stack, which stores the books that are returned to the library.
  • R - Return Book: Allows the user to return a book to the library by entering the book's ISBN number.
  • L - See Last Return: Allows the user to see the last book that was returned to the library.
  • C - Check In Last Return: Allows the user to check in the last book that was returned to the library.
  • P - Print Return Stack: Allows the user to print the entire return stack or a subset of it based on specific criteria, such as ISBN number, book name, author name, genre, year, and condition.
  • Q - Quit: Allows the user to quit the program.

Data Structures & Types Used

  • Array (library of shelves, length 10)
  • Linked List (stored books in each shelf)
  • Stacks (return stack)
  • Enums(Sorting Criteria/Book Condition)


  • Java 20 or higher


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Change into the project directory: cd library-management-system
  3. Compile the program: javac
  4. Run the program: java Main


  1. When the program starts, a menu will be displayed with the available options.
  2. Enter the letter corresponding to the desired action and follow the prompts.
  3. To quit the program, enter Q at the menu.

Fun Fact

  • This is my first project where I coded 1000+ lines of code! Have fun and enjoy! 🎉🎊👨‍💻


Manage data about books in a library






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