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Commands & Permissions

JyckoS edited this page May 10, 2020 · 7 revisions


Command /DonateCraft

This is the command you don't want your player to touch. The permission you need is only 1 to access EVERYTHING in the subcommands, it's donatecraft.admin. Here are the sub commands (/dc):

  • createcodefor (PLAYER) (CODE) (AMOUNT) - Creates a code and runs a few commands for the player.
  • open (GUI) - Opens the GUI anonymously.
  • createcode (CODE) - Can be anything.
  • actions (ACTION) - See the raw commands/actions of the specific Action.
  • removecode (CODE) - Remove your code.
  • getItem (ITEMKEY) - Gets the Item anonymously.
  • links SET/REMOVE/LIST/LINK - Set, remove, lists and check the specific action linked to the code.
  • list ACTION/CODE/GUI/ITEMS - Basically lists all possible keys of specified object.
  • discount AMOUNT - Put the discount in number. Automatically applies discount to ALL purchase after.
  • reload - You know what this do. Reloads all the files, items, gui, config, everything.
  • updates - Check for any available updates.
  • editor - Create new value of your actions/items/guis.
  • modify - Modify the value of your actions/items/guis.
  • socketstatus - Checks your server socket's status. Special for this command, it requires the perm: "dc.socketstatus"

Command /Cash & /acash

Here are the sub commands (/cash & /acash):

  • top - Look out for the top/richest players. ( &
  • set (Player) (Amount) - Change the specific person's cash (cash.admin & accash.admin)
  • remove (Player) (Amount) - Remove the person's cash (cash.admin & accash.admin)
  • add (Player) (Amount) - Increases the person's cash. (cash.admin & accash.admin)
  • pay (Player) (Amount) - Give a person some cash with your own cash. (
  • To Check cash: cash.check & cash.check.others or accash.check & accash.check.others

Command /Redeem

How to Use: Simply use /redeem (CODE) to redeem. If the code is invalid, redeem is cancelled. Requires Permission: donatecraft.redeem

Command /store

This will open the gui called "Main". So you better don't delete this one.