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How DonateCraft basically works?

JyckoS edited this page Jul 25, 2019 · 1 revision

What is DonateCraft

DonateCraft is an in-game store plugin to help server owners selling their items.

DonateCraft uses a custom currency called "Cash". But, if you want to use other currencies like Vault then there is the option for that.

How players could earn cash?

Well mainly since DonateCraft is an in-game store plugin, you need another payment manager like CraftingStore or Tebex or WooMinecraft or you can build your own website and put some javascript and hook it with dc. Although in the future, there might be an update for DonateCraft Payment Management ;)

So what should you sell in the webstore exactly?

Cash, in the form of Redeem Codes. Using the command /dc createcodefor . That would create a random redeem code for the player and executes a series of commands like /mail send You received a redeemcode of 1000, redeem with /redeem etc etc.

So, after player purchased cash in the webstore, he will be mailed his redeemcode. Which he can redeem to earn cash. Easy and elegant.

Main Components of DonateCraft

Each of these has it's own ID, and they are case-sensitive. Each of them has a crucial role in DonateCraft

  • Actions.yml
  • Items.yml
  • GUI.yml


Actions are series of lines that would be executed when someone purchased an item which is linked to the action. Looks something like:

  - "broadcast $buyer purchased pig!"


Items are, items. Modified items. With DonateCraft, you can put up unique data to your items like Stocks, Required Tags, Discounts, etc.

Items provides the price and they are linked to an action.

    name: "Purchase Pig"
    - "Get your pig pet"
    material: raw_pork
    price: 1000 # Price
    action: BUY_PIG # Linked action


Ok you have your action and items set. Now what? Ofcourse you need to have them displayed and for sale!

Using GUI, you can sell your items easily.

    Title: "Pig Store"
    Size: 9
      5: PIG_ITEM

NOTE: Players will NOT be able to purchase items unless using this GUI.

There you can see it. Basically player buy items from GUI -> Item Execute Action -> Player Receives Item

If you have any more questions feel free to come by my discord channel: