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Primary Features

Jyers edited this page Nov 3, 2021 · 9 revisions

This firmware implements quite a few additional features that the stock firmware lacks:

~ Manual Leveling Menu ~

  • Menu items to move the nozzle to the four corners and the middle in order to level the bed using the leveling knobs

~ Z Offset Menu ~

  • Menu for tuning in the Z offset of the printer
  • Live adjust mode moves the Z axis as you change the offset for easy testing
  • Microstep buttons allow for incrementally moving the z axis just 0.01mm
  • Z offset control and microstepping are also available in the tune menu

~ Preheat Menu ~

  • Allow utilization up to 5 of marlins default preheat profiles
  • Labels and default can all be customized in configuration.h
  • Preheat settings can also be adjusted on screen in Control>Temperature>'preheat-label'
  • Preheat mode allows you to select regular preheat or bed only, for cleaning/leveling

~ Change Filament ~

  • If FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES is disabled this item simply runs an M600 filament change command
  • If load/unload commands are enabled this will open a dedicated filament change menu
  • From the menu you can choose to load, unload, or change filament based on M600/M701/M702 commands
  • The change filament option is also available from the tune menu

~ Advanced Options ~

  • Currently the advanced options menu contains items for adjusting the probe to nozzle xy offsets
  • In the future this should be home to many advanced configuration settings and options

~ Manual Mesh Leveling ~

  • Manual mesh leveling allows for the creation of a leveling mesh using the nozzle rather than a probe
  • It uses marlins bilinear leveling coupled with the probe manually option
  • If these setting are configured the info tile on the main menu will be replace with the leveling menu
  • The leveling menu allows you to adjust the Z position for each point in the grid to create a leveling mesh