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A Traditional makeover set for modern Linux desktops.

Almost ready for first release. Watch this space!


I created an icon and theme set of my own as I wasn't totally satisfied with many of the themes available for Linux desktop environemnts. I'm not that big of a fan of all these modernised, symbolic, dark-mode centric, "flat" and over-simplified icon sets and window frames. I wanted something fresh, nostalgic and reminicent of the late 90s and early 2000s desktop environments.

These detailed, skeuomorphic icons do go against the grain of the more modern "dark mode" & "flat" icon themes to offer a traditional desktop experince with a modern flare. Inspired by Apple's Platinum (incl. Rhapsody), Red Hat's Bluecurve, KDE Classic, GNOME 2.x, Raspberry Pi's PiXEL and OPENSTEP/NeXTSTEP. I've compiled a collection of icons to bring back that familiar feeling.


These have been tested in GTK-based desktops only. Namely MATE 1.20+, XFCE 4.12+, LXDE v0.10+ and Openbox 3.6.1+ only.

Bear in mind this is a BETA release and still in TESTING phase. A final release is still some time away.

Icon resources have been compiled by the author from various free sources (with further modification) around the WWW. I used GIMP for all the raster work.

Icon Set:

This icon pack is a complete drop in replacement. Silverlining is intended to be a full comprehensive theme pack. The goal is to be totally independent and not rely on a fallback theme to fill any missing icons.

These icons are distributed freely under the Creative Commons (artwork) and GNU GPL software license (config files). Feel free to contribute to, redistribute and fork this project.

Programs generally use their own internal icons as created by their own respective authours.

Author's Note:

Yes, it's admittedly a bit rough around the edges and needs more polishing, but what is here serves as a project starting point.

Enjoy and appreciate. It's been a labour of love to bring you this release.

Recommended Fonts for this theme:

Application=Merriweather Sans,reg,11


Desktop=Merriweather Sans,reg,11

Window Title=Merriweather Sans,bold,11

Fixed width=Cousine,12

Rendering = Subpixel smoothing

3rd party credits:

  • Flag icons = FamFam
  • ISO 3166-1 flags = Adopts Stefan Gabos work
  • Emoticons = &
  • Weather icons = MSN weather
  • Various image elements from Vectorstock, pngicons, iconfinder, pngrepo, kindpng, flaticons, thenounproject, ISO symbol library, Wikipedia, icons of repsective software programs and filetypes belonging to their respective owners. Used under fair-use and representation of product. Each icon created has been modified slightly to suit the theme.
  • I'd like to dedicate this project to my former college lecturer, Dennis Peek at the South West Regional College in Western Australia. A good man who was instrumental in helping me take the plunge into the wonderful world of Linux (c. 2005). Ironically, he wasn't a fan of GUIs but rather pure command line.

Silverlining currently has application specific themes for XFE, SMPlayer, Claws Mail and aMule. More to come later.


  • Write a "design language" document. Complete with 5-6 shades per colour for a set palette.
  • Fill in any missing icons or fill in missing symbolic links
  • Style icons and themes with more consistancy.
  • Redraw the icons without upscaling. A full, original SVG format set would be an awesome start!
  • Compatibility with more desktop environments (NSCDE, i3, KDE, LXQt, Cinammon, etc.)
  • More program specific skins/themes for system-wide consistency (i.e. double commander, xfe, midnight commander, firefox, chromium, thunderbird, gvim, conky, atom, geany, SciTE, and more...)
  • Optimise the PNG icons for faster loading on low resource and SBC machines
  • Reduce size of deployment package by reducing unessecary icon double ups
  • Add more symbolic links to cater for various DEs icon references.
  • Create deployment packages for easy rollout on distros (deb, rpm, xbps, pkg, etc.)
  • Complete MIME types list for all filetype icons
  • Automated script for installing and setting system fonts (via dconf?)