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tcherry edited this page Aug 5, 2023 · 1 revision

Bread Layout

The Bread Layout is a Xamarin Forms package designed to let the user pinch to zoom into the image as well as swipe across the image to look at different parts of its content (an action referred to as panning). While Xamarin Forms doesn't allow for the user to natively interact with the image outside of viewing it, this package allows for the developer to implement a layout that will allow for the user to interact with images.

Along with having functionality to allow the user to interact with images, this package also has features that are designed to work seamlessly with layouts that involve multiple images (i.e. CollectionViews of images). These features include the ability to implement events designed to trigger if the user swipes at a direction at a long enough distance, the ability to implement custom functionality for double tapping, as well as the ability to implement a layout inside of the Bread Layout containing multiple images.

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