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ghostwriter 1.7.1

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@wereturtle wereturtle released this 21 Jul 22:05
· 854 commits to master since this release


  • Fixed regression in full screen mode where menu bar was not showing on mouse-over.
  • Fixed regression where wrong theme was shown as selected on opening the Theme Selection dialog.
  • Fixed issue #366 where warnings from Pandoc that were resulting in error dialogs on successful export.
  • Fixed issue #292 where saving a document under Windows resulted in end-of-line characters being written as \n instead of \r\n.
  • Fixed issue #360 where a graphical glitch under MacOS disabled the Theme Selection dialog's remove theme button.

Important Notice

I'm sorry to announce that very soon, I will no longer be able to provide new releases of ghostwriter for Windows. volunteer! Please leave me a note at issue #367 if you are interested.


Since version 1.4.0, if you are using the portable version of ghostwriter for Windows, please note that you no longer require the translations folder in your data folder. The translations folder has been moved up one folder, so you don't need to have your settings and themes mixed with an application dependency. When moving the contents of your old data folder to the new one, please delete the old data\translations folder.

Version 1.5.0 brings various HiDPI improvements. However, SVG icons for the full screen button and the HUD window buttons will look overly large and clipped. Drop shadows on text and buttons will also look somewhat pixelated. This is due to QTBUG-60026, which has been fixed in Qt 5.9. It is recommended for users using Qt versions below 5.9 to use FHD screen resolution when using ghostwriter.

Version 1.6.0 and above will no longer compile with Qt 4 due to new features that depend on Qt 5. Please use Qt 5 when building ghostwriter from the source code. Also, as of version 1.6.0, the Windows editions come bundled with Qt 5.10.1. As such, you might enjoy using FreeType font rendering with ghostwriter, which looks superb under this Qt version. Please see the wiki page for a quick guide on how to enable this feature. Finally, as of version 1.6.0, the Windows edition comes bundled with annulen's QtWebKit for displaying the HTML preview. Special thanks goes out to this hard-working team for providing a QtWebKit build for newer Qt versions!

Linux Downloads

Ubuntu Linux users can download the latest version of ghostwriter from the Launchpad PPA using the following commands in a terminal window:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wereturtle/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ghostwriter

You may also visit the wereturtle package archive page directly. For more information on how to add a PPA to your system, please see the Launchpad guide. Note that this version of ghostwriter has been packaged in the PPA solely for the following Ubuntu versions:

  • Xenial (16.04)
  • Bionic (18.04)
  • Cosmic (18.10)

The following are links to unofficial packages/repositories for other Linux distros, kindly provided by volunteers. Note that you may have to wait for them to be updated to the latest version of ghostwriter.