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2019 03 09

Matthias Köfferlein edited this page Mar 9, 2019 · 1 revision

Better integration of netlisting into DRC script

I have enhanced the DRC script language for better support of netlisting. So this is the first step towards an "LVS" mode of the DRC feature.

DRC scripts are easier to use than the native API (RBA or pya objects). Some of the overhead of the API has been hidden. For example, intra-layer connectivity is implied and does not need to be specified explicitly.

Currently there is no browser yet by which the netlist can be viewed. I plan something similar to the net browser from the net tracer, but with an hierarchical view.

Here is a sample of a "DRC" script doing a netlisting:


# Drawing layers

nwell       = input(1, 0)
diff        = input(2, 0)
pplus       = input(3, 0)
nplus       = input(4, 0)
poly        = input(5, 0)
thickox     = input(6, 0)
polyres     = input(7, 0)
contact     = input(8, 0)
metal1      = input(9, 0)
via         = input(10, 0)
metal2      = input(11, 0)

# Special layer for bulk terminals

bulk        = make_layer

# Computed layers

diff_in_nwell = diff & nwell
pdiff       = diff_in_nwell - nplus
ntie        = diff_in_nwell & nplus
pgate       = pdiff & poly
psd         = pdiff - pgate
hv_pgate    = pgate & thickox
lv_pgate    = pgate - hv_pgate
hv_psd      = psd & thickox
lv_psd      = psd - thickox

diff_outside_nwell = diff - nwell
ndiff      = diff_outside_nwell - pplus
ptie       = diff_outside_nwell & pplus
ngate      = ndiff & poly
nsd        = ndiff - ngate
hv_ngate   = ngate & thickox
lv_ngate   = ngate - hv_ngate
hv_nsd     = nsd & thickox
lv_nsd     = nsd - thickox

# PMOS transistor device extraction

hvpmos_ex = RBA::DeviceExtractorMOS4Transistor::new("HVPMOS")
extract_devices(hvpmos_ex, { "SD" => psd, "G" => hv_pgate, "P" => poly, "W" => nwell })

lvpmos_ex = RBA::DeviceExtractorMOS4Transistor::new("LVPMOS")
extract_devices(lvpmos_ex, { "SD" => psd, "G" => lv_pgate, "P" => poly, "W" => nwell })

# NMOS transistor device extraction

lvnmos_ex = RBA::DeviceExtractorMOS4Transistor::new("LVNMOS")
extract_devices(lvnmos_ex, { "SD" => nsd, "G" => lv_ngate, "P" => poly, "W" => bulk })

hvnmos_ex = RBA::DeviceExtractorMOS4Transistor::new("HVNMOS")
extract_devices(hvnmos_ex, { "SD" => nsd, "G" => hv_ngate, "P" => poly, "W" => bulk })

# Define connectivity for netlist extraction

# Inter-layer
connect(contact, ntie)
connect(contact, ptie)
connect(nwell,   ntie)
connect(psd,     contact)
connect(nsd,     contact)
connect(poly,    contact)
connect(contact, metal1)
connect(metal1,  via)
connect(via,     metal2)

# Global connections
connect_global(ptie, "BULK")
connect_global(bulk, "BULK")

# Actually performs the extraction

netlist = l2n_data.netlist

# Write the netlist to the original file name with extension ".spc"

writer = RBA::NetlistSpiceWriter::new

path = RBA::CellView::active.filename.sub(/\.[^\.]*$/, ".spc")
netlist.write(path, writer, "Netlist extracted by KLayout")
puts "Netlist written to #{path}"
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