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utility module to ease the creation of ARCHE-RDF

This modules tries to ease the curation effort needed to describe a dataset of XML/TEI documents managed by a dsebaseapp as an ARCHE-RDF. Its main idea is to reuse as much existing metadata as possible and avoid any potential data duplication. The module consits of three main parts

  • an XQuery module named archeutils.xql
  • several API endpoints for serialising ARCHE-RDF data
  • a single configuration file for project/resource specific data data/meta/arche_constants.rdf

Whereas the first two parts are generic and therefore provided as reusable module, the configuration file needs to customized for each dsebaseapp-project and is therefore NOT included in this module.


  • add this repo as submodule to your dsebaseapp project
    • git submodule add archeutils
  • create a document data/meta/arche_constants.rdf


The XQuery module named archeutils.xql exposes several variables needed to create an ARCHE-RDF fetched from

  • the application structure
  • data/meta/arche_constants.rdf



The main entry point is the API-Endpoint archeutils/ids.xql which returns a json with the following structure:

    "arche_constants": "",
    "id_prefix": {
        "url": ""
    "ids": [{
        "id": "",
        "filename": "ansichten-ueber-die-neuorganisation-der-volksschulen-od-a3-xxi-d650.xml",
        "html": "",
        "md": "",
        "payload": "",
        "mimetype": "application/xml"
        "id": "",
        "filename": "faller-an-thun-1859-01-31-a3-xxi-d494.xml",
        "html": "",
        "md": "",
        "payload": "",
        "mimetype": "application/xml"
  • arche_constants points to the archeutils/dump-arche-cols.xql endpoint which returns ARCHE-MD serialized in RDF/XML by calling archeutils:dump_collections($cols)
  • each object in the ids array represents an XML/TEI resource which should be ingested into arche. The md key points to an resource specific archeutils endpoint archeutils/md.xql?id={id/doc-name of the resource to ingest}. The ARCHE-MD is generated by archeutils/md.xql which basically calls archeutils:populate_tei_resource


  • limit={random-string} list only 10 items, useful for testing the response of the endpoint as well as the actual ingest
  • custom_parent=true use this if you'll have a custom collection structure (see more below)


(Ab)uses repo-schema to provide project specific data. E.g. thun-data/meta/arche_constants.rdf

in arche_constants.rdf you can basically set three types of MD

  1. Hand-made or literal MD. This is needed for project specific information, like project-descriptions, defining project-related agents (like e.g. PIs or funding bodies
  2. Constants for either all collections/resources or dedicated collections/resources
  3. dynamic md-properties derived from the actual XML/TEI Documents. For this you'll need to provide a mapping using Xpath.

Xpath mapping

  • the TEI Mapping needs to be done by collection, whereas the matching collection needs to be defined in the @collection in the <acdh:TeiLookUps collection='name-of-collection'> element

  • the element name matches an arche-schema property

  • the @type value can either be

    • literal -> the evaluated xpath expression becomes the text() of the element
    • literal_no_lang -> the evaluated xpath expression becomes the text() of the element but no default lang-attribute will be set
    • no_eval the text() will be copied into the arche-element (no need for this actually, as you can set constants on resource level anyway...)
    • date -> the elment get typed as date via rdf:datatype=""
    • resource -> the evaluated xpath expression is set as value for an @rdf:resource
    • resource_many -> in case the evaluated xpath expression returns a sequence, than for each item in the sequence, a new element (i.e. rdf-triple) is created
  • to override the default language you can set a @lang parameter, e.g.

    • <acdh:hasTitle type="literal" lang="und">normalize-space($item/tei:persName[1]/tei:forename/text()||' '||$item/tei:persName[1]/tei:surname/text())</acdh:hasTitle>

custom parents

Sometimes the default eXist/dsebaseapp collection structure is not feasable for ARCHE. To circumvent this, you can pass a &custom-parent=true URL-param to the ids.xql endpoint. This will avoid the default behaviour of adding the default isPartOf triple to any XML/TEI (which is the ARCHE-ID of its collection) but using the value defined in arche_constants.rdf BUT be aware that you'll need to provide the ARCHE-MD for those custom collections yourself and you'll need to be able to generate the matching IDs through XPATH (or custom xquery functions) called in arche_constants.rdf, e.g. something like:

<acdh:isPartOf type="resource">concat($item/@xml:base, '/',  substring-before($item//tei:title[@type="iso-date"]/text(), '-'))</acdh:isPartOf>


  • serializes person like entites tei:person returns something like:
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:acdh="" xmlns:rdf="" xml:base="">
        <acdh:hasIdentifier rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasTitle xml:lang="und">Giorgio de Abbondi</acdh:hasTitle>
        <acdh:hasIdentifier rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasTitle xml:lang="und">Abdülmecid I. (auch Abdul Mecid)</acdh:hasTitle>
        <acdh:hasIdentifier rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasTitle xml:lang="und">Stefan Abraham</acdh:hasTitle>
  • The actual output is derived from the mapping in arche_constants:
<acdh:PersonLookUps source="indices/listperson.xml">
  <acdh:hasIdentifier type="resource_many">archeutils:get_entity_id($item)</acdh:hasIdentifier>
  <acdh:hasTitle type="literal" lang="und">normalize-space($item/tei:persName[1]/tei:forename/text()||' '||$item/tei:persName[1]/tei:surname/text())</acdh:hasTitle>

The function archeutils:get_entity_id($item) checks if there is a tei:idno with a textnode containing a string with '', 'geonames' or 'viaf' and returns this text-node as ARCHE-ID. If not, a generic ARCHE-ID is constructed from the elements @xml:id


  • same as for persons


  • serializes the resources and their mentioned entities expressed in ARCHE-RDF
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:acdh="" xmlns:rdf="" xml:base="">
    <acdh:Resource rdf:about="">
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
    <acdh:Resource rdf:about="">
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
    <acdh:Resource rdf:about="">
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasSpatialCoverage rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>
        <acdh:hasActor rdf:resource=""/>


utility module to ease the creation of ARCHE-RDF








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