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Embiggen, Enlighten, and swat a few bugs

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@hvacengi hvacengi released this 05 Mar 23:06
· 1842 commits to master since this release

for KSP v1.0.5 Downloads this release

This release is a patch to v0.19.0, fixing some things
found by the user community in the two days shortly after
v0.19.0 released.

It also happens to contain a few terminal window features
that were being worked on before v0.19.0 but were not deemed
ready yet when 0.19.0 was released.


  • PIDLoop tutorial section in the docs edited to mention new PIDLoop()
    function that did not exist back when that page was first written.
  • New Terminal GUI doodads and widgets: A brightness slider,
    and the ability to zoom the character width and height. Also
    made the transparency and dimming of the 'non-active' terminals
    a bit less severe so you can still read them when un-focused.
    Also, these new features can be script controlled by new
    suffixes, however it is unclear if that feature (doing it from
    a script) will remain in the future so use it with care:


  • Fixed file rename bug on local hard disks:
  • Fixed boot files can be larger than the local disk
  • Fixed a bug where Infernal Robotics would break when switching vessels or
    reverting. (#1501)
  • Fixes problems with using PartModule's SetField(), and infernal Robotics which
    had been failing for all cases where the field was a "float".
    There may have been other places this bug affected, but this is
    where it was noticed. Hypothetically, anywhere the stock game's
    library insists on only accepting a single-precision float and
    not a double would have had the problem.
  • Improve steering when small control magnitudes are required.