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Turns Jupyter notebooks into KULeuven html slides using nbconvert 7.


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Jupyter KULeuven slides Template

A nbconvert template to convert jupyterlab notebooks into reveal.js slides using the KULeuven presentation style.

Installation instructions

This nbconvert template can be installed using pip:

pip install jupyter-KULeuven-Slides

This will make the reveal.js template "KULeuven" available in the python environment.

Basic usage

First mark (using the property inspector menu at the left hand side) the start of each slide in any existing Jupyter notebook, by selecting slide under the topic Slide type.

Slide type selection

Subsequently, using the jupyterlab top-menu, please select :File -> Save and Export Notebook as -> KULeuven

Export your slides

Command line

Converting Jupyter notebooks into templated KULeuven slides can also be done from the command line as follows:

jupyter nbconvert --to KULeuven Notebook.ipynb

or converting all notebooks in a folder:

jupyter nbconvert --to KULeuven *.ipynb

Adding and modifying the title slide

You can add a title slide, by adding the notebook metadata a section labeled KULeuvenslides. In this section the following tags can be optionally added:

"KULeuvenSlides": {
        "title": "test title",
        "subtitle": "test subtitle",
        "authors": "Jan Genoe",
        "location": "Ergens",
        "date": "Vandaag"

Please do not forget to commit these changes to the jupyter notebook changes after adding this metadata. (The small v on top of the box). The screenshot below shows a possible implementation:

Notebook Metadata

Please do not forget to commit changes after adding metadata. (The small v on top of the box).

Selecting a global template

The following global templates are available:

  • Sedes
  • Normal
  • 1425 (The key referring to the foundation date of our university)

In this folder you can find 3 jupyter notebooks that are converted according to each of those 3 templates.

The Normal template is added by adding to the notebook metadata

"KULeuvenSlides": {
        "kuleuven_presentation_style": "Normal"

Please do not forget to commit changes after adding metadata. (The small v on top of the box).

Adding a structure slide in the presentation, using a different template

A structure slide, typically for the outline of the presentation, can be added at any point in the presentation by adding to the cell metadata under KULeuvenSlides:

"KULeuvenSlides": {
        "slide_code": "structure"

(typically there will be already the slide_type present in this section) cell metadata

Please do not forget to commit changes after adding metadata. (The small v on top of the box).

Develop notes

For building and developing this template has been used.

For the reveal.js template that is used as a source, please see here

See here for nbconvert's documentation on creating custom templates.