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Add first report parameterisation & generation in app (for Haridwar site)

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@mrustl mrustl released this 28 Mar 09:37
· 180 commits to master since this release

How to use:

  1. Install the R package "" in R(Studio) with:
    devtools::install_github("kwb-r/", ref = "v.0.2.0-alpha")

  2. Check the installation folder of the package in R(Studio) with:
    system.file(package = "")

  3. The app only works if the following two additional files are copied into the package subfolders:

  • Valid ".my.cnf" file to the R package subfolder "\shiny\haridwar" folder

  • Valid EXCEL file named "analytics.xlsx" to the subfolder "\shiny\haridwar\data"

Subsequently the following function needs to be run in R at least once with "use_live_data = TRUE": = TRUE)

This downloads the latest operational data from the mySQL database and saves the resulting data frame (which is combined with the analytics data in the package subfolder ("data/haridwar_raw_list.Rds)