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[Source] Smart Casting Interface

KYSXD edited this page Oct 1, 2016 · 10 revisions

[Plugin Source]

Smart cast interface.

In StarCraft II, when multiple units are given the same spell order, only one of them will comply, preventing a serious waste of spellcaster energy.

This source tries to implement the same behaviour with GPTP.

The idea:

Find all the casters, get best target (and set the correct point target) and, for the casters, continue the last order.

Files edited:


The code:

#include "game_hooks.h"
#include <graphics/graphics.h>
#include <SCBW/api.h>
#include <SCBW/scbwdata.h>
#include <SCBW/ExtendSightLimit.h>
#include "psi_field.h"
#include <cstdio>

//Here we store our helpers for smart casting
namespace smartCasting {
	//Here we store the last order for each unit,
	//to do not mess with the members of the CUnit structure
	static COrder lastOrderArray[UNIT_ARRAY_LENGTH + 1];

	const int ORDER_TYPE_COUNT = ((int)(0xBD) + 1);
	//Stores the pointer for the next CUnit (like a linked list)
	static CUnit *custom_unit_array[UNIT_ARRAY_LENGTH + 1];
	//First and last node of the casters lists

	bool isOrderValidForSmartcasting(u16 orderId) {
		switch(orderId) {
			case OrderId::WarpingArchon:
			case OrderId::FireYamatoGun1:
			case OrderId::MagnaPulse:
			case OrderId::DarkSwarm:
			case OrderId::CastParasite:
			case OrderId::SummonBroodlings:
			case OrderId::EmpShockwave:
			case OrderId::NukePaint:
			case OrderId::PlaceMine:
			case OrderId::DefensiveMatrix:
			case OrderId::PsiStorm:
			case OrderId::Irradiate:
			case OrderId::Plague:
			case OrderId::Consume:
			case OrderId::Ensnare:
			case OrderId::StasisField:
			case OrderId::Hallucianation1:
			case OrderId::Restoration:
			case OrderId::CastDisruptionWeb:
			case OrderId::CastMindControl:
			case OrderId::WarpingDarkArchon:
			case OrderId::CastFeedback:
			case OrderId::CastOpticalFlare:
			case OrderId::CastMaelstrom:
				return true;
				return false;

	//Adds a node to the order's stack
	void addToOrderList(CUnit *unit)
		int currentOrder  = unit->mainOrderId;
		int currentPlayer = unit->playerId;
		int index;

			firstCaster[currentOrder][currentPlayer] = unit;
			lastCaster[currentOrder][currentPlayer] = unit;

			index = lastCaster[currentOrder][currentPlayer]->getIndex();

			custom_unit_array[index] = NULL;

			index = lastCaster[currentOrder][currentPlayer]->getIndex();
			custom_unit_array[index] = unit;
			lastCaster[currentOrder][currentPlayer] = unit;

			index = lastCaster[currentOrder][currentPlayer]->getIndex();
			custom_unit_array[index] = NULL;

	//Get a COrder pointer with a custom order
	COrder *createOrder(u16 orderId = OrderId::Nothing2, u16 unitId = 0, CUnit *target = NULL, u16 posX = 0, u16 posY = 0){
		static COrder thisOrder;
		thisOrder.prev = NULL; = NULL;
		thisOrder.orderId = orderId;
		thisOrder.unitId = unitId; = target; = posX; = posY;

		return &thisOrder;

	//Get a COrder pointer with the current order
	inline COrder *getCurrentOrder(CUnit *unit) {
		return createOrder((u16)unit->mainOrderId,

	//Get a COrder pointer with the last order
	inline COrder *getLastOrder(CUnit *unit) {
		int index = unit->getIndex();
		COrder *unitLastOrder = &lastOrderArray[index];
		return createOrder(unitLastOrder->orderId,

	//Stores all variables of COrder in the unit using unused members of CUnit
	inline void saveAsLastOrder(CUnit *unit, COrder *lastOrder = NULL) {
		if(lastOrder) {
			int index = unit->getIndex();
			COrder *unitLastOrder = &lastOrderArray[index];

			unitLastOrder->orderId = (u8)lastOrder->orderId;
			unitLastOrder->unitId = lastOrder->unitId;
			unitLastOrder->target = lastOrder->target;
		else {
			saveAsLastOrder(unit, getCurrentOrder(unit));

	//Stores all variables of COrder in the variables of the current order
	inline void saveAsMainOrder(CUnit *unit, COrder *mainOrder) {
		if(mainOrder) {
			unit->mainOrderId = (u8)mainOrder->orderId;
			unit->buildQueue[unit->buildQueueSlot] = mainOrder->unitId;
			unit->orderTarget.unit = mainOrder->target.unit;
			unit-> = mainOrder->;
			unit-> = mainOrder->;

	//This function does three things:
	//1) resets the variables of the current order
	//2) issues the COrder newOrder
	//3) stores the newOrder's variables in the unit's last order variables
	inline void setOrderInUnit(CUnit *unit, COrder *newOrder = NULL) {
		if(newOrder) {
			//If the order is the same, just change the current targets
			if(newOrder->orderId == unit->mainOrderId) {
				saveAsMainOrder(unit, newOrder);
			//If the order is the different, clean and queue...
			else {
				saveAsMainOrder(unit, createOrder());
				unit->order((u8)newOrder->orderId, newOrder->, newOrder->, newOrder->target.unit, newOrder->unitId, true);
			//Save the variables
			saveAsLastOrder(unit, newOrder);
		//If no order... do the same with a Nothing2 order
		else {
			setOrderInUnit(unit, createOrder());

	//This function checks three things:
	//1) If the user has interacted with the unit
	//2) if the unit's mainOrderId is the same as the asked orderId
	//3) If the last order is different from the asked orderId or is allowed to overrun orders
	inline bool isCasterValidForOrder(CUnit *unit, u8 orderId) {
			&& unit->userActionFlags == 2
			&& unit->mainOrderId == orderId) {
			return true;
		return false;

	//Checks if the new order is different from the last
	inline bool isOverruningLastOrder(CUnit *unit, u8 orderId) {
		if(getLastOrder(unit)->orderId == orderId) {
			return true;
		return false;

	//Checks of the orderId requires two units (warp archon)
	inline bool isCouplesOrder(u8 orderId) {
		switch(orderId) {
			case OrderId::WarpingArchon:
			case OrderId::WarpingDarkArchon:
				return true;
		return false;

	//Checks if two units are partners in a 2-units order
	inline bool isPartnerInOrder(CUnit *unit1, CUnit *unit2, u8 orderId) {
		if(unit1 && unit2 && isCouplesOrder(orderId)
			&& unit1->orderTarget.unit == unit2
			&& unit2->orderTarget.unit == unit1) {
			return true;
		else return false;

	void setCasters() {
		for(CUnit *caster = *firstVisibleUnit; caster; caster = caster-> {
			if(isOrderValidForSmartcasting(caster->mainOrderId)) {

	//Returns the best caster running orderId for player playerId
	CUnit **getBestCasters(u8 orderId) {
		static CUnit *bestCasterClean[8];
		static CUnit *bestCasterOverrun[8];

		static CUnit *bestCasterArray[8];

		for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
			bestCasterClean[i] = NULL;
			bestCasterOverrun[i] = NULL;

			for(CUnit *caster = firstCaster[orderId][i]; caster; caster = custom_unit_array[caster->getIndex()]) {
				if(isCasterValidForOrder(caster, orderId)) {

					u8 p_id = caster->playerId;

					//If is clean order (different than the last one), we have a winner
					if(!isOverruningLastOrder(caster, orderId)
						&& (!bestCasterClean[p_id]
						|| bestCasterClean[p_id]->energy < caster->energy)) {
						bestCasterClean[p_id] = caster;

					//Store in case we don't have a winner (clean caster)
					//We're going to need this if we can't find a new caster
						|| bestCasterOverrun[p_id]->energy < caster->energy) {
						bestCasterOverrun[p_id] = caster;


		//For each player, store the caster
		for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
			bestCasterArray[i] = (bestCasterClean[i] == NULL ? bestCasterOverrun[i] : bestCasterClean[i]);

		return bestCasterArray;

	//Issued the last order to unit
	//If the last order was completed, orders to idle
	inline void tryLastOrder(CUnit *unit) {
		if(unit->orderSignal == 2) {
			unit->orderSignal = 0;
			setOrderInUnit(unit, getLastOrder(unit));

	//Smartcast behaviour
	inline void smartCastOrder(u8 orderId) {
		CUnit **bestCasterArray = getBestCasters(orderId);
		long int target_x[8];
		long int target_y[8];
		u16 totalCasters[8];

		//Set if we can find at leat one unit new-casting the order
		bool atLeastOneCaster = false;
		for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
			if(bestCasterArray[i]) {
				bestCasterArray[i]->userActionFlags = 0;
				atLeastOneCaster = true;
			target_x[i] = 0;
			target_y[i] = 0;
			totalCasters[i] = 0;

		if(atLeastOneCaster) {
			//For each player
			for(int i = 0; i < PLAYABLE_PLAYER_COUNT; i++)
				//Order other units to continue with the lasts orders
				for(CUnit *caster = firstCaster[orderId][i]; caster; caster = custom_unit_array[caster->getIndex()]) {
					if(caster->userActionFlags == 2
						&& caster->mainOrderId == orderId) {

						target_x[caster->playerId] += caster->;
						target_y[caster->playerId] += caster->;

						//Checks if the unit is the partner of the current best
						//This is going to help (eventually) with smart casting archon warp and dark archon meld
						if(!isPartnerInOrder(bestCasterArray[caster->playerId], caster, orderId)) {

						//Unset the user flags (To avoid mistakes in the next frame)
						caster->userActionFlags = 0;
				firstCaster[orderId][i] = NULL;

			//Fix the target point for ground spells
			//Ground spells like psi storm, ensnare, lockdown
			for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
					&& !bestCasterArray[j]->orderTarget.unit
					&& totalCasters[j]) {
					target_x[j] /= totalCasters[j];
					target_y[j] /= totalCasters[j];

					bestCasterArray[j]-> = (u16)target_x[j];
					bestCasterArray[j]-> = (u16)target_y[j];

	//Sets flags and saves last order
	inline void prepareUnitsForNextFrame() {
		for(CUnit *unit = *firstVisibleUnit; unit; unit = unit-> {
			//Stores the last order for smartCast

	//Runs smartcast for each order and prepares for next frame
	//Archon's orders doesn't work now:
	//Archon Merge and Dark Archon Meld buttons doesn't set userActionFlags on the unit
	inline void runSmartCast() {
		for(int i = 0; i < ORDER_TYPE_COUNT; i++)

} //namespace smartCasting

namespace hooks {

	bool nextFrame() {

		if (!scbw::isGamePaused()) { //If the game is not paused

			scbw::setInGameLoopState(true); //Needed for scbw::random() to work
			//Runs smart casting!!

		return true;

	bool gameOn() {
		return true;

	bool gameEnd() {
		return true;

} //hooks