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Package Emulation

Hiromi Ishii edited this page Nov 25, 2017 · 15 revisions

Most KaTeX functions emulate AMS-LaTeX behavior. That is, they emulate LaTeX running with the amsmath package, the amsfonts package, and the amssymb package installed (via \usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb}).

There are several exceptions, however. Below is a list of additional functions from other LaTeX packages that are emulated by KaTeX.

cancel package

\cancel \bcancel \xcancel

color package

\color \textcolor \colorbox \fcolorbox

extpfeil package

\xlongequal \xtwoheadleftarrow \xtwoheadrightarrow \xtofrom

hyperref package





\gt \lt (useful to avoid HTML reserved characters < and >)

mathtools package

\mathclap \mathllap \mathrlap \xleftrightarrow \xRightarrow \xLeftarrow \xLeftrightarrow \xhookleftarrow \xhookrightarrow \xmapsto \xrightharpoondown \xrightharpoonup \xleftharpoondown \xleftharpoonup \xrightleftharpoons \xleftrightharpoons \coloneqq \Coloneqq \coloneq \Coloneq \eqqcolon \Eqqcolon \eqcolon \Eqcolon \colonapprox \Colonapprox \colonsim \Colonsim \dblcolon

MnSymbol package

\overgroup \undergroup \overlinesegment \underlinesegment \overleftharpoon \overrightharpoon

overrightarrow package


txfonts/pxfonts package


ulem package


undertilde package


unicode-math package

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