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ねゆんせ edited this page Feb 16, 2023 · 2 revisions

language folder

Thanks to the new version of renxel, you can now select languages from a drop-down menu. This allows you to create your own templates of some common scripts and move them to the translation directory.

By default the "template" folder inside the "data" folder has some templates already prepared, it is important to note that the "renxel.rpy" file should not be deleted or renamed, as it will have all translatable dialogs or strings.

if you want to create a custom language, you must create a folder inside "template" with the name of the language, and there inside include the scripts "common.rpy" and "renxel.rpy".

remember: common.rpy is the only file that should have content inside, since renxel does not generate any translatable string for this file. So it is recommended to generate a translation, copy the folder that renpy generated and paste it in "template" deleting everything and leaving only common.rpy and renxel.rpy.

Regarding renxel.rpy it is mandatory that the file is empty, since the app will write inside all the translations.

Custom template folder Example:


Custom template folder tree:

├── data/
    ├── template/
        ├── latin/
              ├── renxel.rpy
              ├── common.rpy
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