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Pheonix KageDesu edited this page Mar 30, 2021 · 7 revisions


What is this plugin and what can it do? -> Read F.A.Q

Plugin still in 🅱️ Beta state, so it's have known issues

Get started

First, see how download and install plugin

Configurate plugin for your needs, changing plugin parameters

How start multiplayer game or connect one -> read this


All events starts and executed only for player that's starts event (locally). In multiplayer game you can control who can start event or what event command should be executed for certain player, actor. Or starts event for all players in same time.

Read this topics for know more about events control in Alpha NET Z


How manage battles in multiplayer game -> read this

Feature of plugin

Want to know the development plans? -> here is some

👍 If you like this plugin and want create astonish multiplayer game in RPG Maker, please support author

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