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Would you believe me if I told you that you could encrypt a thumb size image of the Mona Lisa with up to 16,000 words, and that the picture wouldn't look any different to the human eye?

This sort of image encryption (steganography) is commonly used amongst members of the intelligence community to mask communications in plain sight and can be notoriously tricky to implement correctly (but also quite fun). The custom software I have written here breaks an image down to its pixels and hides a piece of a given secret message in each of those pixels such that the appearance of the image when put together isn't altered. The goal of the app is to create a fun introduction for users to the world of digital steganography.

How To Use

  • Log in or Sign up for a new account
  • Uploads image of choice
  • Navigate to image and enter text to encode image with
  • Click the decode button and wait while the app reals the images secrets
  • Comment on other users uploaded images and

Technologies Used

Image-hide-n-seek is a full-stack web application built using a Ruby on Rails backend, PostgreSQL database, and React/Redux front-end architecture.


  • Ruby On Rails, PostgreSQL, Heroku, AWS S3


  • React/Redux, HTML5, CSS3/SCSS, npm, webpack

Features and Implementation

  1. Secure Auth: Using BCrypt for password-salting and hashing, Users can Sign up, Login/demo-login, or Log out

  2. Image uploads: Users can upload images to AWS s3

  3. Image encryption: Photos can be encoded with text messages that are hidden into the pixels

  4. Decrypting Images: Users can decode images to retrieve hidden messages

  5. Comments: Users can comment on posts

Database Schema


Column Name Data Type Details
id Integer primary key, not null
username String not null, indexed, unique
password_digest String not null ,indexed, unique
session_token String not null, indexed, unique


Column Name Data Type Details
id Integer primary key, not null
user_id Integer not null, foreign key
body String
image_file_name String not null
image_content_type String not null
image_file_size Integer not null


Column Name Data Type Details
id Integer primary key, not null
user_id Integer not null, foreign key
post_id Integer not null, foreign key
body String

Custom Routes for encrypting Images

  • patch 'posts/:id/encrypt', to: 'pages#encrypt', as: 'encrypt_image'
  • get 'posts/:id/decrypt', to: 'pages#decrypt', as: 'decrypt_image', :defaults => { format: :json }

Future Features

  • Searching Posts by caption: Allow users to search for posts by keyword
  • Encrypting Images with other Images: Allow users to hide images within other images
  • Encryption of JPEG files: Refactor encryption logic to allow for jpeg files in addition to png


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