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CCF BDCI 2023 基于TPU平台实现超分辨率重建模型部署


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CCF BDCI 2023 基于TPU平台实现超分辨率重建模型部署

Contest page:
Team name: Absofastlutely
Final score (reproduced): 3317


⚠ We use dtype FP16, becuase F32 is much slower due to the hardware limit TFLOPS = 32(INT8) / 16(FP16) / 2(FP32), and INT8 does not even work properly as we tried twice :(
⚠ The time is only about bmodel inference, excluding post-process filter but including RGB-YCbCr conversion for y_only models
⚠ The tile_size defaults to (192,256) if not specified

⚪ Ranklist A ( / test)

model padding filter time niqe score comment
original 4.2733
carn_m 16 0.9991 5.0776 277.5417 baseline
carn 16 0.9605 5.0115 293.6364 baseline
ninasr 16 0.7442 4.8958 389.8195 baseline
espcn 16 DETAIL 0.6879 5.2197 387.9559 y_only
espcn_nc 16 DETAIL 0.5369 5.2365 494.6222 y_only
espcn_nc 0 EDGE 0.3915 5.9385 526.3948 y_only
espcn_cp 0 EDGE 0.3116 4.3396 1046.7720
espcn_ex 16 0.4264 5.8571 501.4783
espcn_ex 16 DETAIL 0.4206 5.3193 616.5087
espcn_ex -1 0.2301 5.4146 1094.2843
espcn_ex 0 DETAIL 0.1922 5.7573 1159.8901
espcn_ex 0 DETAIL 0.1910 5.2661 1378.9572
espcn_ex 0 EDGE 0.1924 4.4465 1661.0886
espcn_ex 0 EDGE++ 0.1910 4.4465 1673.4388

⚪ Ranklist B ( / val)

ESPCN_ex param_cnt: 24752 (Conv2d[k=5]-Tanh-Conv2d[k=3]-Tanh-Conv2d[k=3]-PixelShuffle[s=4]) ESPCN_ee/ESPCN_um param_cnt: 24779 (Conv2d[k=5]-Tanh-Conv2d[k=3]-Tanh-Conv2d[k=3]-PixelShuffle[s=4]-Conv2d[k=3])

model padding filter time niqe score comment
original 4.2733
espcn_ex3 0 0.1852 5.5697 1291.6236
espcn_ex3 0 EDGE 0.1850 4.5679 1686.2863
espcn_ex 0 EDGE 0.1615 4.5679 1930.9247
espcn_ex 0 EDGE 0.1140 4.5242 2761.0642 thread=4, engine=multi
espcn_ex 0 0.1007 5.4616 2464.4895 thread=4, engine=multi, tile_size=128
espcn_ex 0 EDGE 0.0983 4.3761 3296.2499 thread=4, engine=multi, tile_size=128
espcn_ee 0 0.1195 4.4613 2666.0168 thread=4, engine=multi, tile_size=128, embed_pp=EdgeEnhance
espcn_ee 0 0.1161 4.4613 2745.5968 run again ↑↑
espcn_um 0 0.1303 4.2143 2560.9604 thread=4, engine=multi, tile_size=128, embed_pp=Sharpen
espcn_um 0 0.1164 4.2143 2867.1234 run again ↑↑
espcn_um_approx 0 0.1406 4.4175 2285.9834 thread=4, engine=multi, tile_size=128, embed_pp=Sharpen, act=clip

The espcn_ee, espcn_um and espcn_um_approx are the final pure TPU models without preprocess/postprocess on CPU :)


compile a nice pretrained pytorch super-resolution model to TPU-supported bmodel

launch the docker dev env

⚪ use my prebuilt docker image

  • install Docker
  • run run_docker.cmd to start the docker conatiner
    • now you can compile your any pytorch model to bmodel use the tpu-mlir toolchain

⚪ build by yourself

⚠ What will you do: add tpu-mlir sdk to the official dev-env docker image sophgo/tpuc_dev
⚠ Follow me if you're on Windows, otherwise refer to the official tutorial for Linux systems

NOTE: the official tutorial is much out-dated, it binds tpu-mlir_v1.2 to sophgo/tpuc_dev:v2.2, which works for Python3.7; however, we already have tpu-mlir_v1.5 and sophgo/tpuc_dev:v3.2 working with Python3.10 now :(

  • install Docker
  • docker pull sophgo/tpuc_dev:latest (see like ChatGLM3-TPU or Llama2-TPU)
  • CD /D /path/to/this/repo
  • docker run --name tpu-mlir --volume="%CD%":/workspace/code --workdir /workspace/code -it -d sophgo/tpuc_dev:latest
  • setup the docker container (run the following Linux shell commands in your container)
    • source env/
    • echo $PATH should contain many mlir stuff
    • now you should be able to run the mlir tools
      • ls $TPUC_ROOT/bin
      • ls $TPUC_ROOT/python/tools
      • ls $TPUC_ROOT/python/utils
      • ls $TPUC_ROOT/python/test
      • ls $TPUC_ROOT/python/samples
    • verify by running the official demos
      • bash env/ (sdk v1.4 demo)
      • bash env/ (contest demo)
  • freeze up an image docker commit -p -a kahsolt -m "add tpu-mlir v1.4" tpu-mlir kahsolt/tpuc_dev:latest

compile the bmodel

  • run python, you will get the compiled models/espcn*/espcn*.<dtyp>.bmodel


eval the compiled bmodel on real TPU device, and gather the metrics result

  • apply for a cloud server at sophnet tpu-cloud
    • open web terminal and cd /tmp, remeber this is your workdir
  • setup runtime
    • upload script env/ to /tmp
    • run source, which activaties the envvars and clones the material repo
    • list up TPU devices by bm-smi, get the driver version like 0.4.8
    • install the python package sophon with right version (find it in the repo TPU-Coder-Cup/CCF2023/sophon-{version}-py3-none-any.whl)
  • deploy & eval the compiled bmodel
    • upload testset / and unzip to /tmp/data
    • upload bmodel *.bmodel to /tmp/models
    • upload code and to /tmp
    • run eval python -M <name.bmodel>
    • find the results at out/<dataset>/<name>/test.json


by Armit 2023/11/14


CCF BDCI 2023 基于TPU平台实现超分辨率重建模型部署








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