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Vegan Blog: User Stories

Elevator Pitch: Vegan blog that allows users to share and save their favorite vegan restaurants. Finding vegan food can sometimes be tough especially when traveling. This site will make sure you can always find something good to eat and get recommendations from the communities that knows best!

Sprint 1

A user should be able to:

- Navigate to "/" that includes name of the website and links to access restaurants. 

- Ability to Sign up or Log In.

- Access their profile once logged in.

- Save Resources to profile.

- Be able to update saved resources and their personal titles. (think pinterest like style)

- Remove(delete) restaurants from their "board"

Sprint 2

A user should be able to:

- Submit their own restaurant recommendations

- Full CRUD on their submitted resources

- Edit their own profile 

Sprint 3

A user should be able to:

- A user can only submit valid data accoring to restaurant model. 
    - Name, Location, Description, Fav-Menu Item

- A user can only sign up with valid data according to user model 
    - No repeat usernames or emails 
    - Password requirements of length and special characters

- User must be signed in to create a resource 

- Only can update or delete their own resources

- Error messages added to all validations 

Bonuses A user should be able to:

- Upload a photo to their profile
- Upload photos for their added resources
- Delete profile
- "like" restaurants 
- Leave comments on posts
- Organize saved resources in categories

Functionality bonuses:
- Sign Up "Welcome email"
- Organize restaurants by location
- Search Feature 
- Add ability to see public profiles


MERN Stack - MongoDB / Express / React / Node JavaScript CSS HTML Material UI

Installation Instructions

To install fork and clone both repos and run npm i to install dependencies.




link to Wireframe!


On this project specifically:

  • Ally Pittman
  • Zach Milan
  • Nathan Harris
  • Michael Petty
  • Melisa Larson
  • Leah Davis

Honestly the list goes on..Thank you for all of the emotional and technical support!

In general I want to say Thank you to the GA SEI-12 cohort. I will miss seeing you all everyday and look forward to further collaborations.


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