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Pau Codina edited this page Sep 24, 2015 · 13 revisions

<<<<<<< Updated upstream asdf## Introduction Microsoft SharePoint 2013 provides a powerfull {@link REST api} that allows to access to all SharePoint elemements (webs, lists, document libraries, users, etc.)


Microsoft SharePoint 2013 provides a powerfull REST api that allows to access to all SharePoint elemements (webs, lists, document libraries, users, etc.)

Stashed changes

ngSharePoint aims to facilitate this REST access through a set of angular services and directives. This library has been developed to support and facilitate the construction of different real projects on SharePoint.

We strongly recommend learning Angular. If you want to maximize the capabilities of this module, you must know the main components of Angular and how to use them (controllers, directives, services, promises, etc.).

The examples


To use ngSharePoint you'll need to include this module as a dependency of your angular app. In any page of your SharePoint, include a Content Editor WebPart and put the next code inside.


<script src="js/angular.js"></script> <script src="js/ng-sharepoint.min.js"></script> <script> // ...and add 'ngSharePoint' as a dependency var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ngSharePoint']); // ... add a main controller myApp.controller('main', ['$scope', 'SharePoint', function($scope, SharePoint) { // Get the current web SharePoint.getCurrentWeb().then(function(web) { // Get the announcements list web.getList('Announcements').then(function(list) { // Get items ... list.getListItems().then(function(items) { $scope.announcements = items; }); }); }); }]); </script> `

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