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Reddit Mirror

This is my pet project on ReactJS. I'm trying to build a mirror of using the reddit API.

Here I test my skills in ReactJS, Redux, React Router, Webpack, and other cool stuff.

I'm also trying to use the best practices in ReactJS development and the newest features of the used libraries and tools.

Where to see it

You can see the project on AWS EC2 instance (check http protocol in URI): Mirror of Reddit on React, RTK, React-Router with SSR. The website may be unavailable due to expired AWS Free tier plan.

How to run on your machine

  1. Clone the repo (use main branch)
  2. Run npm ci to install dependencies
  3. Run npm run build to build the project
  4. Run npm run start to start the server
  5. Open http://localhost:3000 (by default) in your browser


My pet project - mirror of Reddit



