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Feature Flags with Kameleoon
Kameleoon can provide experimentation and feature flagging. In this template we'll be using it at the edge.
Edge Middleware

Feature Flags with Kameleoon


How to Use

You can choose from one of the following two methods to use this repository:

One-Click Deploy

Note: Before clicking Deploy, follow the section Set up Kameleoon to create an account, set up feature flags and obtain the Kameleoon siteCode.

Deploy with Vercel

Clone and Deploy

Execute create-next-app with pnpm to bootstrap the example:

pnpm create next-app --example

Note: Before running locally, follow the section Set up Kameleoon to create an account, set up feature flags and obtain the Kameleoon siteCode.

Set a KAMELEOON_SITE_CODE in .env.example, you can get it from Kameleoon platform. Then, copy the .env.example file in this directory to .env.local (which will be ignored by Git). Below is the command:

cp .env.example .env.local

Next, run Next.js in development mode:

pnpm dev

Deploy it to the cloud with Vercel (Documentation).

Kameleoon Feature Flag and Experimentation

You can use Kameleoon feature flags at the edge with NextJS applications deployed on Vercel. This Kameleoon Feature Flag middleware uses and extends our Kameleoon NodeJS SDK as a starting point to provide experimentation and feature flagging on the edge. For more information on how to run Feature Flags and Experiments with our platform follow the steps outlined in our documentation here.

Fetch client configuration

The externalClientConfiguration is a JSON representation of feature flags and experiments. It contains all the data needed to deliver and track your flag deliveries and experiments. By using our Kameleoon Integration, you can seamlessly bind your site's configuration to Vercel's Edge Config. Using your site code, it becomes straightforward to retrieve the client configuration from Edge Config.

What sets this approach apart is the efficiency gained from Vercel's CDN. The Edge Config from Vercel ensures rapid fetching of client configurations, capitalizing on the speed and reliability of the Vercel Content Delivery Network.

Set up Kameleoon

Get an account

First, you will need to get a Kameleoon account.

Create feature flag

In this section, we will create a feature flag with respected variables and variations.

  1. Go to Feature flags dashboard and click on New feature flag button.
  2. Give a name new_home_page, select the site and click on Validate button.
  3. Go to Variables section, click on Add variable button to add a variable.
  4. Name it home_page, set type to string and set default value to old_version. This default value will represent the old version of home page. variables section
  5. Save it. Button is located at the bottom right corner.
  6. Go to Variations and select On default variation. In configure section, find your newly created variable and set new value to new_version. This new value represents the new version of home page. variations section
  7. Save it.

Create targeted delivery rule

In this section, we will create a targeted rule with variation On.

  1. Go to Production section, click on Add a rule and select Targeted Delivery. rule creation
  2. Only change the Variation to serve to On and adjust exposition to 50%. targeted delivery rule
  3. Save it
  4. Lastly, enable the feature flag to apply the flag rule. toggle on


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