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Joint Diffusion

This is the codebase for Learning Data Representations with Joint Diffusion Models.

This repository is based on openai/guided-diffusion, with modifications for joint modeling with classifier

Training models

Training diffusion models is based on the original training from openai repository with few modifications

mpiexec -n N python scripts/ --dataroot data/ --experiment_name experiment_name $TRAIN_FLAGS $CLASSIFIER_FLAGS

All generated artifacts will be stored in results/$experiment_name Make sure to include external data (such as ImageNet) in dataroot, for standard benchmarks in torchvision it will be downloaded automatically Make sure to divide the batch size in TRAIN_FLAGS by the number of MPI processes you are using.

Additional flags for joint training:

  • --train_with_classifier - Use classifier for training True/False
  • --train_noised_classifier - Whether to train classifier on noised samples or only the original data samples
  • --eval_on_test_set - Whether to evaluate on the final test set
  • --classifier_loss_scaling - Scaling the classifier loss - how much loss from a classifier we want to add to the final loss
  • --multi_label_classifier - Whether to train a multilabel classifier instead of multiclass

For sampling and evaluation, follow instructions in openai repository

For sampling with classifier there are two additional scripts and They use additional parameters:

  • sampling_lr - parameter alpha used for conditional generation


Training commands to reproduce the main results from the publication:


--dataset SVHN --num_channels 128 --num_res_blocks 3 --learn_sigma False --dropout 0.3 --diffusion_steps 1000 --noise_schedule linear --use_kl False --lr 1e-4 --batch_size 256 --schedule_sampler uniform --plot_interval 10000 --save_interval 20000 --class_cond True --skip_save False --gpu_id 1 --validation_interval 100 --num_steps 250000 --skip_validation False --validate_on_train False --train_with_classifier True --train_noised_classifier False --eval_on_test_set True --classifier_loss_scaling 0.001


--dataset CIFAR10 --num_channels 128 --num_res_blocks 3 --learn_sigma False --dropout 0.3 --diffusion_steps 1000 --noise_schedule linear --use_kl False --lr 1e-4 --batch_size 256 --schedule_sampler uniform --plot_interval 10000 --save_interval 20000 --class_cond True --skip_save False --gpu_id 1 --validation_interval 100 --num_steps 500000 --skip_validation False --validate_on_train False --train_with_classifier True --train_noised_classifier False --eval_on_test_set True --classifier_loss_scaling 0.001


--dataset CIFAR100 --num_channels 128 --num_res_blocks 3 --learn_sigma False --dropout 0.3 --diffusion_steps 1000 --noise_schedule linear --use_kl False --lr 1e-4 --batch_size 256 --schedule_sampler uniform --plot_interval 10000 --save_interval 20000 --class_cond True --skip_save False --gpu_id 1 --validation_interval 100 --num_steps 500000 --skip_validation False --validate_on_train False --train_with_classifier True --train_noised_classifier False --eval_on_test_set True --classifier_loss_scaling 0.001


--dataset FashionMNIST --num_channels 64 --num_res_blocks 3 --learn_sigma False --dropout 0.3 --diffusion_steps 500 --noise_schedule linear --use_kl False --lr 1e-4 --batch_size 128 --schedule_sampler uniform --plot_interval 10000 --save_interval 20000 --class_cond True --skip_save False --gpu_id 1 --validation_interval 100 --num_steps 100000 --skip_validation False --validate_on_train False --train_with_classifier True --train_noised_classifier False --eval_on_test_set True --classifier_loss_scaling 0.001

For smaller GPUs, use the --microbatch to accumulate gradients after several passes of microbatch


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