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This is an Elixir/Ecto library for storing recurring events in your database.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add recurring_events to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:recurring_events, "~> 0.x"}]
  1. Ensure recurring_events is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:recurring_events]]

**You don't have to do that in `Elixir >= 1.4`.**



Event stores the following fields:

@type t :: %RecurringEvents.Event{
  name:        String.t(),
  repetitions: nonempty_list(RecurringEvents.Event.Repetition.t())

Repetition itself is presented as:

@type t :: %RecurringEvents.Event.Repetition{
  frequency:  RecurringEvents.Event.Repetition.Frequency.t(),
  interval:   non_neg_integer(),
  start_date: Ecto.Date.t(),
  end_date:   Ecto.Date.t(),
  start_time: Ecto.Time.t(),
  end_time:   Ecto.Time.t(),
  exclusions: list(Ecto.Date.t())

Frequency is an enumerable type:

@type t :: %RecurringEvents.Event.Repetition.Frequency{
  value: Enum.t()

with predefined values:


Occurrence is an expanded Event based on its repetition. It's a particular instance of a repeating Event which happens at a specific time and date.

@type t :: %RecurringEvents.Event.Repetition.Occurrence{
  event_id:      Ecto.UUID.t(),
  repetition_id: Ecto.UUID.t(),
  date:          Ecto.Date.t(),
  time_start:    Ecto.Time.t(),
  time_end:      Ecto.Time.t(),


The project has the following components:

  1. Loader - loads records from a repository
  2. Mutator - stores and updates records in a repository
  3. Changeset - prepares and validates params for records to be stored in a repoistory
  4. Expander - expands records based on their repetitions
  5. Schema - definition of a particular record


You can do the following thing with Event:

  • create
  • read / load / query:
    • all: expanded and collapsed
    • one by ID: expanded and collapsed
  • delete by ID
  • update (change a name)

On Repetition you can do the following:

  • update:
    • change start date / time
    • change end date / time
    • exclude a date
    • modify frequency / interval
  • delete by ID


To get and compile all dependencies run:

mix do deps.get, deps.compile

You can do that each time you pull the repository.


Firstly, you need to create a database. To do that, execute:

mix ecto.create

Later on, you may wanna run all migrations. This can be done by:

mix ecto.migrate

In case of any problems, you can recreate the entire database:

mix ecto.reset


To test the repository you can run:

mix test [--stale]

This will run the entire test suite and report prospective errors. When you add --stale flag, you will make sure that only changed tests will be run.


There's credo linting mechanizm implemented. To check design, readability or refactoring opportunities you can run:

 mix credo

This will report all suggested changes to be done.


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