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A template is all you need: 2D to 3D reconstruction with template learned by contrastive learning

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A-template is all you need: 2D to 3D reconstruction with templates learned by contrastive learning
Phase 1 Phase 2

Presentation and report

1. Prepare required data

You must have a GUI for 2D image and SDF rendering!!
Environment of Ubuntu with GUI is recommended.
If you are unable to generate required 2D images and SDF ground truth, please jump to next section. We do provide some examples for you to download.

1.1 Prepare ShapeNet dataset

  1. Please prepare secret.json, which should include:
  1. Utilize to prepare everyting required.

1.2 Render 2D images

The code is heavily based on link. However, only images and albedo defined there will be generated. You should build the environment accurately first to avoid any erroneous 2D image rendering!

  1. Download blender v2.79. You must use v2.79 because some functions are deprecated in the latest version.
  2. Test if the command blender works or not.
  1. Install OpenCV in the blender python env. Please (cd) to [blender]/2.79/python/bin
./python3.5m -m ensurepip
./python3.5m -m pip install --upgrade pip
./python3.5m -m pip install opencv-python
./python3.5m -m pip install opencv-contrib-python
  1. Try to import numpy in this python env. If there is any error, re-install numpy by deleting the numpy folder in the following path [blender]/2.79/python/lib/site-packages/. Then,
./python3.5m -m pip install numpy
  1. Start generate the 2D images by the following command. Please notice that the jsons_root denotes ./examples/splits/, data_root denotes ShapeNetCore.v2/, and output_root is where you want to save the 2D images.
python --jsons_root $jsons_root --data_root $data_root --output_root $output_root

1.3 Render ground truth SDF and PLY

Please refer to link. In short, dependencies of CLI11, Pangolin, nanoflann, and Eigen3 should be built first. However, the whole process is arduous and various bugs do exist!

1.4 Covert 2D image from RGBA to RGB

python -d [data_source] -c 'chairs', --level 'easy'

2. Downloading data and pretrained models

2.1 Complete examples (RECOMMENDED)

gdown is recommended for downloading these pre-generated 2D images and SDF ground truth.

pip install gdown

2D images

gdown --id 1BORVFh5ODnyhQqGTvCFtSUFrD7XCcSOr #02691156 planes
gdown --id 1WkyrOmvw2G3JgRutWvl_WucYn9RmFA8O #02958343 cars
gdown --id 1M53cyqhkyPo8IZgQaDjo4qNZc9hhkSsi #03001627 chairs
gdown --id 1NBwU309G4FT2SP_gxZzne2uADqbD4Rce #03636649 lamps
gdown --id 1DplfrOr98VEW5xAV8jEy2yNrlOetjNGF #04256520 sofas
gdown --id 1GetjpIDWa7NOIN06tuQQJmR0MuVKwoal #04379243 tables

SDF ground truth

gdown --id 11y3A8RI4n4vlUVTDu56FO2mc7rhASjr6 #02691156 planes
gdown --id 1_ogLvFOZTg6YFak-_WIvLneMoYYcLRvs #02958343 cars
gdown --id 1lLm0yyrGfEjT7ye3xjbrgW7p2neYHgZ2 #03001627 chairs
gdown --id 1ObsXX4TJjADnlyuFPVJxz00w-fZFK2ak #03636649 lamps
gdown --id 18k8LqWlc2AYr5-gn2u_KQsodGg9macqx #04256520 sofas
gdown --id 1TzUSNe4kAB3plnUf_ZUsxTnVgNq0gqzJ #04379243 tables

PLY ground truth (TESTING SET ONLY)

gdown --id 1W1oP4zHWP0gPXFAGWGm9rIhCrUlXfhtA #02691156 planes
gdown --id 17UsiUaeSF2O9BbOoCONg-BEfW6_3GTZm #03001627 chairs
gdown --id 1FKSDTitAmIQNODEj5mSQUMFyoPJOpnY0 #04256520 sofas

NormalizationParameters ground truth (TESTING SET ONLY)

gdown --id 156WckbItDBjmDL89J7yrNxuL2MOQSmam #02691156 planes
gdown --id 1F7xs-3v0yA0IcIhEn5AaeKdaAEaZYlOA #03001627 chairs
gdown --id 1vI0qsAtJ2kwSx8KpyH9sJu_2fCGh1DOu #04256520 sofas

Pretrained models

gdown --id 1cLW_B_EmhQNeM-pJ2iJIKGFdf7Cyzk6E #planes #end2end with contrastive
gdown --id 11kGrEJqINyfqwcT0aIEoHRC2uwgcz_GF #planes #two phases
gdown --id 1GXpNWaz5njg8x1zC9Ntf83CDfsRtSGdS #chairs #end2end
gdown --id 1bN3B4ws-PXd1kmCrkGSl_4VAcgRgfK7I #chairs #two phases
gdown --id 1lq1-cK86g10EK53E4gskUwnqc-zd9n7p #sofas #end2end
gdown --id 10I4sWk6XjfV6koe00jUkUmhi792YQ-Ot #sofas #two phases

2.2 Small examples

The training data of chairs 03001627_train.tar.gz can be downloaded from this link. There will be a folder named 03001627 when the file is extracted.

To download the file and merge all the extracted data to your dataset folder, run

bash [data_source_name]  

where [data_source_name] should be the path to yor dataset folder. To be more explicit, it should be the parent folder of SdfSamples. Therefore, before running this script, please make sure that all the other data has been prepared and the folder structure is the same as the one specified in Data Layouts.

For example, run

bash data/  

3. Data Layouts

The data must be organized as the following hierarchical structure.


4. Extract pretrained embedding

Please use in the environment of Deep Implicit Template. This code will automatically extract the embedding from the pretrained Embedding weights and store in a dictionary, which can be accessed by the instance_name.

python -e ./pretrained/${obj}_dit

We also provided the pre-extracted one in ./pretrained_embedding/ folder.

5. Training

5.1 Two-phase training

Phase-1 training can also be conducted by the original code in deep implicit template. However, the required embedding obtained in this step has been provided in ./pretrained_embedding/ and our program will directly load the embedding there. Thus, you don't need to do the phase-1 training but need to copy the pretrained models of wrapping and SDF network provided here. Please prepare /ModelParameters/latest.pth for every object category.

Train the encoder (phase 2)

python -e pretrained/${obj}_dit/ -d ./data/

5.2 End-to-end training

Version 1

python -e examples/${obj}_dit --debug --batch_split 2 -d ./data

To expedite training, the mixed precision mode is provided:
Package apex is required! Please make sure that you have installed it first!

python -e examples/${obj}_dit --debug --batch_split 2 -d ./data --mixed_precision --mixed_precision_level O1

Plese note that mixed_precision_level has four options, O0, O1, O2, O3, corresponding to different settings.

  • O0: FP32 training
  • O1: Mixed Precision (recommended for typical use)
  • O2: “Almost FP16” Mixed Precision
  • O3: FP16 training

For more information, please refer to the official document.
If you cannot successfully install apex from pypl. Please refer to link to build from source, and add argument to indicate where your apex is.

--apex_path path_to_apex

Version 2

python \
-e examples/${obj}_dit \
--debug \
--batch_split 2 \
-d ./data \
[--mixed_precision] \
[--pretrained_weights exps/checkpoints/] contains a few updates compared to the original one, including:

  1. start training with weights obtained from contrastive learning.
    • please use --pretrained_weights to specify the path to the checkpoint obtained from
    • here a slightly different encoder _Encoder (check it out in networks/ is used for easy weight transfer.
  2. use torch.cuda.amp for mixed precision training.
    • please add --mixed_precision to enable such feature.
  3. train with a dataset that includes both hard and easy 2d images.
    • if you want to train with certain level of difficulty instead, please modify * to easy/hard in this line.

We can eventually replace with if everyone has no problem running this version of training code.

5.3 Pretrained encoder with Contrastive learning

Encoders that apply different contrastive learning frameworks can be found in the folder contrastive/encoders.
For more details please refer to

Run the following to perform contrastive learning:

python -e experiments/planes

Note that the experiment directory should include a config.yaml to specify the configurations. An example of config.yaml can be found here.

To use the pretrained weights for the later deep implicit templates training, please refer to

6. Generate meshes

6.1 Template

python -e examples/${obj}_dit --debug 

6.2 Training data

view_id starts from 0 to 50. If it is set to -1, random view_id will be selected for each instance.

python -e examples/${obj}_dit --debug --start_id 0 --end_id 20 --octree --keep_normalization --view_id $id

6.3 Testing data

view_id starts from 0 to 50. If it is set to -1, random view_id will be selected for each instance.

python -e examples/${obj}_dit --debug --start_id 0 --end_id 20 --octree --keep_normalization --mode test --view_id $id

6.4 Real-world images

python -e examples/${obj}_dit --octree --image_path $where_you_put_the_real_world_images

7. Evaluate

python -c $class_name -d $data_src -i $mesh_output_folder


python -c sofas -d ./data/ -i examples/sofas_dit/TrainingMeshes/2000/ShapeNetV2/04256520/

8. Analyze

  1. To analyze the pretrained embedding
python -e examples/${obj}_dit -p --thread 16
  1. To analyze the embedding yield from own encoder
  • early_stop is to prevent the time-consuming inference process and only extract some data for analysis
python -e examples/${obj}_dit -d $data_path -c latest --early_stop 20 --thread 16


This code repo is heavily based on Deep Implicit Template. We thank the authors for their great job!


A template is all you need: 2D to 3D reconstruction with template learned by contrastive learning






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