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File metadata and controls

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Module Creation

Modules are the best way to extend pointshop. Through them new item creators can be added.


This is a very technical description with very little example code. It is intended for reference use. You can find a step-by-step tutorial here: Learn how to create a Pointshop 2 item in 3 easy steps


The module structure is very simple. Each module is a folder within the lua/ps2/modules folder. Every file in this folder is recursively loaded by the module loader. The realm is determined by the file prefix (sh, cl, sv). Client files are automatically AddCSLuaFile'd.

Within this folder the module description file sh_module.lua needs to be placed. Here you set up the module table (:lua:class:`MODULE`) which contains information such as the author and name of the module, then register it using :lua:func:`Poinsthop2.RegisterModule`.

Adding custom Item Types


Creating custom item types is an advanced topic and requires an understanding of object oriented patterns. It is recommended to look at the items included in the script as an example when reading this section. Good candidates are the Trail and Playermodel items, which show very simple items. A complex example is provided with the Accessory/Hat, which uses multiple data models and a complex item creator.

Users should be able to create and modify items through the ingame gui.

To understand the way items are created in Pointshop2 it is important to know that each item is handled on it's own and is unique. This means that even if the user owns ten items of the same type each is saved and handled individually. Technically, each item is an instance of a item class. Thus each "item" that is displayed for purchase at a shop is actually an item class. Instances of this class are the items which can be found in a player's inventory.

Internally this is achieved using the following components:

  • Persistence: The persistence is the data model that is used to save all user defined properties (for example the model for a playermodel item, but also the item name and description). On server start the persistence is read and classes are dynamically generated.
  • Item Base: The item base defines the functionality of an item. This is defined in a lua file within lua/kinv/items/pointshop. Item bases can use mixins and extend existing bases. All item bases should extend base_pointshop_item.
  • Item Creator: This is the derma control which is used to create or modify an item. It inherits from DPointshopItemCreator.


Unlike in pointshop 1, in pointshop 2 an item is an instance of an item class. A shop item is the representation of that class.

Creating a persistence

The first step when creating a custom item type is to create it's persistence. A persistence needs to be a LibK model, which is done by including the DatabaseModel mixin.

Create a new file within your module called sh_model_<itemname>persistence.lua:

Pointshop2.ExamplePersistence = class( "Pointshop2.ExamplePersistence" )
local ExamplePersistence = Pointshop2.ExamplePersistence

ExamplePersistence.static.DB = "Pointshop2" --Use the database configured for Pointshop2

ExamplePersistence.static.model = {
    tableName = "ps2_examplepersistence", --needs to be unique. This is the table the fields are stored in
    fields = {
        --holds the reference to the basic information (description, name, price)
            itemPersistenceId = "int",

        --Define your custom fields here. You can use all of the libk fieldtypes here. Usually you will need int or string
            property1 = "string",
            property2 = "int",
            --To save a table: e.g. item.property3 = { hello: 123 }
            property3 = "luadata",
    belongsTo = {
        -- Makes LibK automatically join the basic information table each time
        -- it is received from the database.
            ItemPersistence = {
                    class = "Pointshop2.ItemPersistence",
                    foreignKey = "itemPersistenceId",
                    onDelete = "CASCADE" --Persistence is deleted when the base is deleted. This is required.

ExamplePersistence:include( DatabaseModel ) --include the DatabaseModel mixin

The model can be customized to contain as many fields as you need. If you need to save tables or nested data, consider joining another model (and creating a new belongsTo relationship) or simply use a field type that is serialized (json or luadata).

After doing this, a table will automatically be created and the model can now be used with LibK, which means that no queries have to be written to save or update items.

Implementing saving and updating logic


LibK makes heavy use of promises. Using promises is required when saving or modifying models. They allow easy handling of asynchronous processes wihtout the need of messy nested callback chains. The promises script used (by Lexic) follows the javascript promises specification and the jQuery interface. More information: General introduction, The jQuery interface documentation

When a pointshop item is created using an Item Creator, the persistence is passed a "save table". This table's structure is filled by the Item Creator Derma Control. Usually it simply contains the model fields. The same function is called for updating items once they are modified. For this the static function createOrUpdateFromSaveTable has to be added. It creates (or on update retrieves) an instance of the own and any required models and then saves it to the database. All fields that the user can configure when creating a custom item need to be included into the model.

Add the following to your persistence file you created in the last step:

function ExamplePersistence.static.createOrUpdateFromSaveTable( saveTable, doUpdate )
    -- Firstly, save or update the basic item information.
    local promise = Pointshop2.ItemPersistence.createOrUpdateFromSaveTable( saveTable, doUpdate )
    :Then( function( itemPersistence )
        // First we fetch or create our persistence instance.
            if doUpdate then
                --We need to update an existing item.
                --Find the instance by using the itemPersistenceId and return it.
                    return ExamplePersistence.findByItemPersistenceId( )
                    local exampleInstance = ExamplePersistence:new( )
                    exampleInstance.itemPersistenceId =
                    return exampleInstance
    end )
    :Then( function( exampleInstance )
        // Then we update all fields
            exampleInstance.property1 = saveTable.property1

            // And save changes to the database
            return exampleInstance:save( )
    end )

    return promise

This concludes all of the serverside code that is needed for handling the creation and modification of items.

Creating the item base

The next step is to create the item base for your item type. To do this, create a new file within lua/kinv/items/pointshop. The name should be sh_base_<itemname>.lua you can also put your file into a subdirectory. Inside of the item base you can now overwrite any of the pointshop base functions and add item hooks as required.

The file contains:

ITEM.PrintName = "Pointshop Example Item Type"
ITEM.baseClass = "base_pointshop_item"

function ITEM.static.getPersistence( )
    return Pointshop2.ExamplePersistence --The name of the persistence model created in the last step

function ITEM:OnEquip( )
    -- Your logic.
    local itemOnwer = self:GetOwner()

function ITEM:OnHolster()

function ITEM.static.generateFromPersistence( itemTable, persistenceItem )
    ITEM.super.generateFromPersistence( itemTable, persistenceItem.ItemPersistence )
    itemTable.property1 = persistenceItem.property1

Please note the function generateFromPersistence. In this function you load all data from the item persisence into the item class.

To generate the item class first call the super class' method by invoking ITEM.super.generateFromPersistence( itemTable, persistenceItem.ItemPersistence ). Then you simply copy your item's properties over to the item class. You should set these to to the itemTable.static table since they belong to a class itself and not an instance (which would be an instantiated item in the player's inventory).

.. lua:function:: ITEM.static.generateFromPersistence(itemTable, persistenceItem)

    Decodes all information from the persistenceItem and adds fields and methods to the itemTable field.

    **itemTable**: A table containing the created class.
    **persistenceItem**: An instance of this item's persistence.

Within the item base you can also specify your own, custom icon controls for both, the shop and the inventory.

Adding the clientside creator

The last step is to create a custom editor control, which is shown when clicking the create item button. This is very easy to do, simply create a new file inside your module, called D<youritem>Creator. It should inherit from DPointshopItemCreator and overwrite the SaveItem(saveTable) and EditItem(persistence, itemClass) methods. The SaveItem method populates the save table passed as argument with the settings set in the item creator. The EditItem method poulates the editor with the settings stored in the persistence. For ease of access the relevant itemClass is also passed as data from the persistence might be accessible easier in there.

Example template:

local PANEL = {}

function PANEL:Init()
    self.textEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry" )
    self:addFormItem( "Property 1", self.textEntry )

function PANEL:SaveItem( saveTable )
    self.BaseClass.SaveItem( self, saveTable )
    saveTable.property1 = self.textEntry:GetText( )

function PANEL:EditItem( persistence, itemClass )
    self.BaseClass.EditItem( self, persistence.ItemPersistence, itemClass )

    self.textEntry:SetText( persistence.property1 )
vgui.Register( "DExampleCreator", PANEL, "DItemCreator" )

Putting it all together: The blueprint

The only thing left to do now is to link the item to the menu and register it with the modules. This is done within sh_module.lua. Simply define all of your components in a :lua:class:`Blueprint`.


MODULE.Blueprints = {
    label = "Example Item",
    base = "base_example", --The name is deduced from the filename
    icon = "pointshop2/playermodel.png", --Icon
    creator = "DExampleCreator"

Creating a slot for your item

Slots are created using the function :lua:func:`Pointshop2.AddEquipmentSlot`


Pointshop2.AddEquipmentSlot( "Example", function( item )
    --Check if the item is an example item
    return instanceOf( Pointshop2.GetItemClassByName( "base_example" ), item )
end )

OPTIONAL: Adding custom Settings

Pointshop 2 has a builtin, extensible settings system. A module can add custom settings buttons to the builtin settings tab (Management -> Settings) which can then be used to create a GUI. The system first initializes the settings from the Lua table and copies the defaults, then reads settings from the database. To create custom settings you need the following components: the settings table, a settings button and a settings editor.

The Settings Table

The settings table is a table defined inside of sh_module.lua:

MODULE.Settings = {}
MODULE.Settings.Server = {}
MODULE.Settings.Shared = {}

The table is devided into server and shared settings. Shared settings are synchronized with all clients, server settings are only available on the server. Each of these tables can contain multiple :lua:class:`SettingsCategory`s. A category consists of a path, an info table and a number of Settings attached to it.


MODULE.Settings.Server.Kills = {
    info = {
        label = "Kill Rewards"
    DelayReward = {
        value = true,
        label = "Delay Rewards until round end",
        tooltip = "Use this to prevent players to meta-game using the kill notifications. Kill points are collected and awarded at round end.",

In this example a server-side category "Kills" is created, with the label "Kill Rewards" and a single (boolean) setting called DelayReward. The path of this setting would be "Kills.DelayReward". You can add as many categories and settings as you like. Be careful not to define a setting in both, the shared and server table with the same path which could lead to conflicts.

Settings Button

The next step is to define a button which can be used to open the settings editor. This is also done within sh_module.lua.


MODULE.SettingButtons = {
        label = "Point Rewards",
        icon = "pointshop2/hand129.png",
        control = "DTerrortownConfigurator"

This defines a button with the label "Point Rewards" and the icon "pointshop2/hand129.png". On click a DTerrortownConfigurator control is created. The control should implement the :lua:class:`Configurator` interface. For details see the next section.

Adding the Configurator

Within your module create a new clientside file where you define the configurator control. The configurator control is a derma control which has the methods of the :lua:class:`Configurator` interface.

The easiest way is to simply create a control inheriting from DSettingsEditor and using the method AutoAddSettingsTable. This automatically populates the settings window with the appropriate input elements for each type you supplied in the settings table.


local PANEL = {}

function PANEL:Init( )
    self:SetSkin( Pointshop2.Config.DermaSkin )
    self:SetTitle( "TTT Reward Settings" )
    self:SetSize( 300, 600 )

    self:AutoAddSettingsTable( Pointshop2.GetModule( "TTT Integration" ).Settings.Server, self )
    self:AutoAddSettingsTable( Pointshop2.GetModule( "TTT Integration" ).Settings.Shared, self )

function PANEL:DoSave( )
    Pointshop2View:getInstance( ):saveSettings( self.mod, "Shared", self.settings )

derma.DefineControl( "DTerrortownConfigurator", "", PANEL, "DSettingsEditor" )

This example adds all, shared and server settings to the configurator and sends them to the server on save. This is all that is needed to create modifiable, synchronized settings that are saved to the database and can be changed using an ingame editor.

Accessing the Settings

To use the settings in your script simply use :lua:func:`Pointshop2.GetSetting`.

Adding custom Tabs

It is possible to add new tabs to various sections of the shop. You can add a tab to the top navigation by using :lua:func:`Pointshop2:AddTab`. Inside of the inventory tab you can add pages to the side navigation by using :lua:func:`Pointshop2:AddInventoryPanel`. It is also possible to add new pages to the side nav of the management tab by using :lua:func:`Pointshop2:AddManagementPanel`.