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Modern programming platforms (.NET platform)

BSUIR 2018

Task 1. TaskQueue

Create a class in C# which:

  • is called TaskQueue and implements the logic of the thread pool;
  • creates the specified number of pool threads in the constructor;
  • contains the queue of tasks in the form of delegates without parameters: delegate void TaskDelegate ();
  • provides the method void EnqueueTask (TaskDelegate task);

Task 2. DirectoryCopier

Implement a console program in C# which:

  • takes as the command line parameters path to the source and target directories on the disk;
  • performs parallel copying of all files from the source directory to the target directory;
  • performs copy operations in parallel using the TaskQueue from Task #1;
  • waits until all copy operations are completed and displays information about the number of copied files to the console.

Task 3. Mutex

Create a class in C# which:

  • is called Mutex and implements the binary semaphore using the atomic operation Interlocked.CompareExchange;
  • provides blocking and unblocking of a binary semaphore using public methods Lock and Unlock.

Task 4. AssemblyLoader

Implement a console program in C# which:

  • takes as the command line parameter the path to the .NET assembly (EXE or DLL file);
  • loads the specified assembly into memory;
  • displays the full names of all public data types of this assembly, ordered by namespace and by name.

Task 5. Parallel.WaitAll

Create in C# a static method of the Parallel.WaitAll class which:

  • takes as the parameter the array of delegates;
  • executes all specified delegates in parallel using the TaskQueue class from Task #1;
  • waits for the completion of all delegates. Implement the simplest example of using the Parallel.WaitAll method.

Task 6. Solve the problem.

Create in C # a generic class DynamicList which:

  • implements a dynamic array using T[] array;
  • has the Count property, which contains the number of elements;
  • implements indexer;
  • has the methods Add, Remove, RemoveAt, Clear to add, delete, delete by index and delete all elements, respectively;
  • implements the IEnumerable interface. Implement the simplest example of using the DynamicList class in C #.

💬 Contact

Karalina Dubitskaya


Modern Programming Platforms, BSUIR 2018








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