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Karls Data Mapper Bundle for unite-cms

Mapping old data JSON to new data JSON in unite-cms


via composer

composer require karls/data-mapper-bundle

in config/bundles.php

Karls\DataMapperBundle\KarlsDataMapperBundle::class => ['all' => true],


Image Mapping (S3 UUID fix)

Fixes S3 Storage problem, where the image is not save with an UUID.

karls@local:~/unitecms$ php bin/console karls:image-mapping

When you run this command you will be prompted to select the content_type where the images are located. You can use your arrow keys or simply typing in the content type name.

Please select the content_type: :
  [1] Formulare
  [3] Test
  [4] Bilder
  [5] Reference
 > Bilder

After submitting the content_type you will be asked which of the following types should be searched and refactored. You can use your arrow keys or type in multiple types at once (, comma separates the types).

Please select the type/s which to refactor: 
  [0] mediaimage
  [1] text
  [2] image
 > mediaimage,image

Now the Command should execute and search for images that have no UUID and fixes them.

Data Mapping

Fixes Problems in content, where some data was changed and now needs to be renamed or inserted.

php bin/console karls:data-mapping