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ACcoding: A graph-based dataset for online judge programming


The dataset, named ACcoding, was built by a university teaching group. The latest release of ACcoding dataset is available at By the time of constructing the dataset (May 6, 2022), the dataset contains 4,046,652 task-solving records submitted by 27,444 students on 4,559 programming tasks over a span of 6 years. The large size of the dataset, combined with its rich functional features, empowers educators to trace students’programming progress and choose appropriate programming tasks for specific training purposes.

Load Dataset

You can download the ACcoding dataset from, which includes 6 SQL files. Assuming that you have already created a MySQL database, you can load the data files by executing the command

source xxx.sql

in MySQL. Alternatively, you can use tools like Navicat or DataGrip to load the SQL files.

Data Format

ACcoding dataset is constructed and stored in a relational database in the form of tables. Note that in the table below, names in lower cases are entities, and those in upper cases are relations between the entities.

Name Description Attributes Quantity
Users undergraduate users id, last_login 27444
Problems programming tasks difficulty, time_limit, memory_limit 4559
Contests regular ACM contests start_time, end_time 606
Problem-tags knowledge point (KP) tags of tasks tag_id, problem_id, weight 100
Submissions source code submitted by users code, language, time_cost, memory_cost 4046652
FINISH links between users and submissions - 4046652
SUBMIT links between submissions and tasks time, result 4046652
CONTAIN links between tasks and KPs - 4397
BELONG TO links between contests and tasks order 4756


type description
id int use ID
last_login datetime user latests login time


type description
id int problem ID
access_level enum 3 levels: private, protect, public
difficulty decimal(10, 5) difficulty of problem, ranges from 0 to 10
updated_at datetime last revision time of the problem
creator_id int author ID of the problem


type description
id int contest ID
start_time datetime start time of the contest
end_time datetime end time of the contest
updated_at datetime last revision time of the problem
access_level enum 3 levels: private, protect, public


type description
tag_id int tag ID associated with the problem
problem_id int problem ID


type description
id int contest ID
lang enum 'c++','c','python','java','python2','python3'
result enum 'WT','JG','AC','WA','CE','REG','MLE','REP','PE','TLE','IFNR','OFNR','EFNR','OE'
score float score of the submission, ranges from 0~100
time_cost int runtime consumed by the code
memory_cost int memory consumed by running the code
code_length int length of the code
detail text compiler result of the code
creator_id int author ID of the submission
problem_id int problem ID
contest_id int contest ID

Dataset Statistics

Figure (a), (b) and (c) are the distribution of knowledge points, feedback result types and submission languages, respectively.

Dataset statistics

Code Usage


The following example is about visualizing embedding results for programming task difficulty, AC ratios, and heats (popularity) through ACcoding dataset.

cd data_process/experiment/visualize/

Visualization of task embeddings