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This site was created to provide car selected services for rent in Ukraine with the possibility of adding to the list of favourites and booking directly from the site.


  • home page with a general description of the services provided by the company
  • a catalogue of cars of different configurations, which the user can filter by brand
  • a page with ads that were added by the user to your favorites


In this project uses such technologies and lilraries as: HTML, CSS, REACT, react-dom, react-redux, react-select, react-modal, reduxjs/toolkit, redux-persist, axios, modern-normalize, styled-components.


As base of data uses the UI-servise mockapi

Preparation for work

  1. Make sure the LTS version of Node.js is installed on your computer. Download and install it if necessary.
  2. Set basic dependence on the project with the npm install command.
  3. Start the authoring mode by executing the npm start command.
  4. Go to the browser at http ://localhost: 3000. This page will automatically reload when you save your changes to the project files.


The production version of the project will automatically be linted, assembled and deployed on GitHub Pages, in the gh-pages branch, whenever the main branch is updated. For example, after direct push or accepted pool-request. To do this, in the package.json edit the homepage field, replacing your_usernameand your_repo_name on your own, and send the changes to GitHub.

"homepage": ""

Next, you need to go to the GitHub repository settings (Settings > Pages) and expose the distribution of the production version of files from the/root folder of the gh-pages branch, if it was not done automatically.