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0.6.5 Beta

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@Katharsas Katharsas released this 31 Jul 01:39
· 37 commits to master since this release

Unlike some previous versions, this version does not include an embedded server, so you need to setup a server yourself (see below)!

How to install:

  1. Install a Java EE container server like Tomcat 9 or Jetty:
    -> Scroll to the distributions and download the .zip binaries.
    -> Create the JAVA_HOME system environment variable and assign your Java installation folder as value.
    -> Unzip your tomcat server.
  2. Download the GMM.war file and move it into your servers webapps directory.
  3. Start the server (Tomcat Windows: Run bin/startup.bat in cmd or powershell).
  4. Server and GMM webapp should start up, may take some seconds...
  5. A gmm-workspace folder should be created in your server folder. Locate it, open the file inside and enable the default user settings. The shell output from your running server should inform you about this as well in more detail.
  6. Stop and start the server again so that the changed settings can take effect.
  7. Open your browser at http://localhost:8080/GMM and login with the credentials specified in the file from step 5.