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Kaustubh Patange edited this page Mar 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

How it works?

The tool does no different than the normal adb tcpip connection, that being said it follows the same paradigm usually used to connect any devices.

Typical pattern with adb follows

  • A user connects a device.
  • adb devices to get device serial (for multiple connected devices).
  • Somehow finds the IP of the device associated with WIFI (adb shell ip addr show).
  • Forwards the port to tcpip 5555.
  • adb connect ip-addr:5555.

If any error occurs you need to manually resort it.

With this command-line tool

  • A user connects a device
  • aow command to connect a device (in case of multiple devices, it will create a chooser screen).

Errors are handled automatically including the famous 10061 adb error.

So it doesn't perform anything magical, just abstracts away the reset of implementation.

Why it exists?

TL;DR story mode detected,

I'm an Android developer so it's obvious that writing codes/tests, debugging them is part of it. The coding part can't be fully automated (let's hope robots don't take over) you still have to learn new things & implement 'em according to your need. For debugging, Android studio provides great tools like my favorite Memory profiler & many tools to seamlessly debug your app on an emulator or a real device.

The issue with the real device I faced (not technical) is I have a bunch of cables (related to hardware I use every day) besides my setup having another one just for connecting my device to the desktop doesn't LGTM! Although I can use the normal way of connecting but having a tool that has abstracted these implementations saves me from typing those same commands over & over again.

The answer is simple, optimization of time that's it. I Hope Android 11 (if I happened to buy one such device) solves this problem with wireless debugging.

Edit: As of version 0.1.4, many new features on top of wireless connection has been added. See full options menu here.

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