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File metadata and controls

166 lines (115 loc) · 4.77 KB


This extension is here to provide integration of Doctrine 2 ORM into Nette Framework.


The best way to install Kdyby/Doctrine is using Composer:

$ composer require kdyby/doctrine

and now enable the extension using your neon config

	# add theese four lines
	console: Kdyby\Console\DI\ConsoleExtension
	events: Kdyby\Events\DI\EventsExtension
	annotations: Kdyby\Annotations\DI\AnnotationsExtension
	doctrine: Kdyby\Doctrine\DI\OrmExtension

Please see documentation, on how to configure Kdyby/Events, Kdyby/Console and Kdyby/Annotations.

Minimal configuration

This extension creates new configuration section doctrine, the absolute minimal configuration might look like this

	user: root
	password: pass
	dbname: sandbox
		App: %appDir%

The metadata section, as you might have guessed, configures your mapping drivers. The key is namespace and the value is usualy a directory.

Simplest entity

namespace App;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * @ORM\Entity
class Article extends \Kdyby\Doctrine\Entities\BaseEntity

	 * @ORM\Id
	 * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
	 * @ORM\GeneratedValue
	protected $id;

	 * @ORM\Column(type="string")
	protected $title;


The full name of annotation @ORM\Entity is Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity, that's why there is that namespace alias before class definition.

Every entity, inherited from Kdyby\Doctrine\Entities\BaseEntity will have some cool features, the complete behaviour is listed here.

If you don't want to declare $id column in every entity, you can use Identifier trait included in Kdyby\Doctrine\Entities\Attributes\Identifier. However, traits are only available since PHP 5.4. See documentation.

class Article extends \Kdyby\Doctrine\Entities\BaseEntity

	use \Kdyby\Doctrine\Entities\Attributes\Identifier; // Using Identifier trait for id column
	// ...

Now we care only about method ::getClassName(), because we will use it right away. All it does is return the class name. Oh, but what is it good for? Well, most modern IDE's works with classnames in code as if they were reference - they can find you usages and provide you refactorings. This wouldn't work, if the classname would be simply written in string. Instead, we call static method, that returns the classname. That way, it's always actual, even when you rename the class in your project!

Working with entities

Saving your first entity is as easy as

$article = new Article();
$article->title = "The Tigger Movie";

$entityManager->persist($article); // start managing the entity
$entityManager->flush(); // save it to the database

And if you wanna read it

$articles = $entityManager->getRepository(App\Article::class);

$article = $articles->find(1);
echo $article->title; // "The Tigger Movie"

You can learn more in the Doctrine Quickstart.

Configuring services

You should always pass the EntityManager to your services and then get the Repositories from it. Thanks to autowiring, it's really easy :)

	- App\Articles()

Ideally, to not violate the SRP, you should not extend repository to add custom bussines logic, but rather decorate it.

class Articles extends Nette\Object
	private $em;
	private $articles;

	public function __construct(Kdyby\Doctrine\EntityManager $em)
		$this->em = $em;
		$this->articles = $em->getRepository(App\Article::class);
		// $this->articles = $em->getRepository(App\Article::getClassName()); // for older PHP

	public function publish(App\Article $article)
		// validate that the article has title and content, or whatever you want to validate here
		$article->published = TRUE;
		// don't forget to call $em->flush() in your presenter

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