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248 lines (164 loc) · 6.97 KB


This extension is here to provide robust translation system for Nette Framework. It implements Nette\Localization\ITranslator using Symfony/Translation.


The best way to install Kdyby/Translation is using Composer:

$ composer require kdyby/translation

and you can enable the extension using your neon config

	translation: Kdyby\Translation\DI\TranslationExtension


We have to tell the translator in what language user wants to see the website. You should define persistent parameter $locale in your presenter. That way you can keep the language in the url. Also, you probably want to inject the translator to the presenter, so let's write that code too.

abstract class BasePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
	/** @persistent */
	public $locale;

	/** @var \Kdyby\Translation\Translator @inject */
	public $translator;

	// rest of your BasePresenter

Example router might look like this

$router[] = new Route('[<locale=cs cs|en>/]<presenter>/<action>', "Homepage:default");

or with new version of Nette, you can get localization by TLD (top level domain) look like this

$router[] = new Route('//%sld%.<locale>/<presenter>/<action>[/<id>]', [
    'presenter' => 'Homepage',
    'action' => 'default',
    'id' => null,
    'locale' => [
        Route::FILTER_TABLE => [
            'cz' => 'cs',
            'sk' => 'sk',
            'pl' => 'pl',
            'com' => 'en'

There is also an interface IUserLocaleResolver and few default implementations. These implementations try to figure out, in what language should the website be displayed. The first one looks in request parameters and searches for locale, that's why there is the persistent parameter and example route. If it fails, it tries to look at Accept-Language header, and if that fails, it fallbacks to default locale.

To change the default language, place this in your app/config/config.neon

	default: cs
	fallback: [cs_CZ, cs]


The default directory for translation files is %appDir%/lang and they have to be named in specific way. The mask is <category>.<language>.<type>, this means for example app/lang/messages.en_US.neon.

This example file messages.en_US.neon would look like this

	hello: "Hello World"

and messages.cs_CZ.neon would look like

	hello: "Ahoj světe!"

Now when we have all this prepared, you may open your website at url /en/.

The translator should resolve to locale=en and load the right message calatogues. Try this in your presenter

echo $this->translator->translate('messages.homepage.hello');

It should print "Hello World", and when you open /cs/ you should see "Ahoj světe".

Why messages.homepage.hello? The messages is in the catalogue filename, and you can change it to "front" or "emails", whatever you like. homepage.hello is from the .neon file, the structure is flattened and joined by dots.


Sometimes, a message containing a variable needs to be translated

public function actionDefault($name)
    $this->flashMessage($this->translator->translate('Hello ' . $name));

But you cannot just paste the variable inside the message, how would you translate that? The translator would search for "Hello Filip" and would found nothing. Instead of writing a translation for every possible iteration of the $name variable, you can replace the variable with a "placeholder".

$this->translator->translate("Hello %name%", ['name' => $name]);

And we should probably move it to catalogue file right away

	helloName: "Hello %name%"
$this->translator->translate('messages.homepage.helloName', ['name' => $name]);

The translator will look for the given message, and replace the parameters after it finds the translation.


When a translation has different forms due to pluralization, you can provide all the forms as a string separated by a pipe (|)

	applesCount: 'There is one apple|There are %count% apples'

And then call it as you already know

echo $this->translator->translate('messages.homepage.applesCount', 10); // There are 10 apples

For the exact format and all it's possibilities please check the current Symfony documentation.


You don't have to call this verbose method in templates, there is a macro prepared for you! If you're not hacking the Latte\Engine creation, it will work right away, because the extension will register it.

<p>{_messages.homepage.helloName, [name => $name]}</p>
<p>{_messages.homepage.applesCount, 10}</p>

Additional configuration

There are several additional configurations

Bar panel

Enables and disables Nette debugger bar panel

	debugger: off

Whitelisting of resources

You might happen to have a multilingual system, that has many available translations, but you only need, let's say, 3. Nice example is symfony/validator, it's translated to lots of languages but you don't want to process all of them.

Whitelist is used in compile-time and prevents loading of resources that will not be used.

It's disabled by default, but you can enable it by passing an array of regular expressions, where the simplest might be simple cs or en.

	whitelist: [cs, en, de]

This allows you to include components like symfony/validator and still have relevant output of Translator::getAvailableLocales(). If you wouldn't enable the whitelisting, instead of only locales you want to use in your current app, you would see all the locales of all the resources that are added by each component.

Locale resolvers

There are several resolvers that take care of figuring out what locale should be used in translator as default.

Default locale can be configured by translation: default:


This resolver stores the locale in session and it has highest priority.

It is by default turned off and can be enabled by following configuration

		session: on

It can be autowired by Kdyby\Translation\LocaleResolver\SessionResolver, and you can change the stored locale using setLocale method.


This resolver looks for parameter locale in application Request produced by routers.

It is by default turned on and can be disabled by following configuration

		request: off

Accept Language Header

This resolver asks the Translator for acceptable locales (based on loaded resources), and then tries to find one of them in Accept-Language http header provided by client's browser.

It is by default turned on and can be disabled by following configuration

		header: off