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go design patterns, sometimes , maybe we want to write amazing code , we need to some patterns for go.

  1. Basic Coding
  2. Error Handing
  3. Delegation Embed
  4. Functional Option
  5. Map Reduce Filter
  6. Go Generation
  7. Decoration
  8. Pipeline
  9. Builder Pattern (建造者模式)
  10. Factory Method (工厂方法模式)
  11. Object Pool (对象池模式)
  12. Singleton (单例模式)
  13. Generator (生成器模式)
  14. Abstract Factory (抽象工厂模式)
  15. ProtoType Pattern (原型模式)
  16. Decorator Pattern (装饰模式)
  17. Proxy Pattern (代理模式)
  18. Adapter Pattern (适配器模式)
  19. Composite (组合模式)
  20. Flyweight Pattern (享元模式)
  21. Facade Pattern (外观模式)
  22. Bridge Pattern (桥接模式)
  23. Observer (观察者模式)
  24. Strategy (策略模式)
  25. State Pattern (状态模式)
  26. Visitor Pattern (访问者模式)
  27. Template Method Pattern (模板方法模式)
  28. Memento Pattern (备忘录模式)
  29. Mediator Pattern (中介模式)
  30. Iterator Pattern (迭代器模式)
  31. Visitor Pattern (解释器模式)
  32. Interpreter Pattern (迭代器模式)
  33. Command Pattern (命令模式)
  34. Chain of Responsibility (责任链模式)
  35. Semaphore (信号量模式)
  36. Publish Subscribe (发布订阅模式)


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