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Releases: Keffisor/JDAExpansion

JDA Updated and code improvements

19 Nov 21:53
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Updated to the JDA version of 5.0.0-beta.18 and code improvements

Updated JDAExpansion to the last version of JDA

11 Jan 14:58
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Updated JDAExpansion to the lastest version (not alpha) and added all the new events.

Little config update and bug fixes

16 Dec 09:58
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  • Fixed bug of register event with function registerEvent
  • Fixed bug on registering slashcommands with the createCommand class
  • Added the event MessageConsoleReceivedEvent to the PluginListener (And removed the previous way to call that event)
  • Now when it's created the config file of a plugin doesn't sent anymore a error to the console
  • Now the config will be not reset when the config internally has been changed
  • Now you can disable the command !version and you can set a message to the commands that can be disabled

New api of events, bug fixes and some changes.

09 Nov 23:20
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  • Changed PluginListener to JavaPlugin
  • Changed some imports and fixed some bugs.
  • Now the error are full displayed on the console
  • The arguments now starts by 0.
  • New system for register events (PluginListener). You can register events as the same way as Bukkit.
public class EventTest implements PluginListener {
	With the new system of events in JDAExpansion you will be able to declare any event with a custom name, you can repeat in the same 
        class any event and you can set the priority of execution of that event.
	@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR) //set the priority of the event, if it's not set, it will be NORMAL by default.
  	public void test(MessageReceivedEvent e) {

	public void test2(MessageReceivedEvent e) {


Bug fixes of config

13 Sep 05:57
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Now the config has a full support of UTF-8.
Now you can call the getConfig directly, without using the function onEnable on init.
Fixed code that can break all the bot.

Bug fix and somes changes to the api

12 Aug 05:46
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some changes

Support to the older versions of Windows 10

09 Jul 19:37
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Now the JDAExpansion is compatible with windows 7, 8 and 8.1. For do this, i have changed all the print system of the console. Finally, now you can disable the /plugins in servers with the JDAExpansion.yml that will be generated.

Support to Slash Commands, fixed some bugs and changed the api on creating commands

07 Jul 03:58
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The examples of the new slash commands and the new api can be found here on the

Updated JDA and the system of loading plugins

30 Jun 00:39
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I made some changes on the api for creating commands. Changed the organization of some code on plugin loading. Now the plugins loaded by the JDAExpansion will be accesible by another plugins. Added the author and version on the plugin.yml. Updated to the last version of JDA. Added a automatical message on disable plugin. Now the messages of loaded or disabled plugin will have colors. Fixed the bug for get data with . in FileConfiguration.

New features and bug fixes

23 Apr 19:13
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Now you can receive all the messages typed on the console with the event onMessageConsoleReceive

public class test implements ConsoleEvents {
  public void onMessageConsoleReceive(String message) {
Fixed a bug on getting the token on token.txt
Now the createCommand has better detecting on commands
Now load more correctly the plugins without interrupting any loading of plugins
Now you can get elements of a yml with .
    - example
   message: hi
String message = getConfig("config.yml").getString("Example.message");
List<Object> list = getConfig("config.yml").getList("Example.another");