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Console and Textchat Addon


This addon includes a custom node which can represent a console and textchat. You can print messages in game to the console to help you debug or register commands for debugging.


Install via Godot AssetLib and enable plugin in project settings.

How to use

Add the "ConsoleAndTextchat" node to your scene tree. Adjust positioning and size in the scene.

Printing messages to the console

To print messages use the node.print_message(text: String) method. Insert the string you want to be printed. You can customize the message using different colors and text formatting or add a timestamp. To see how you customize your message look in the demo scene and method documentation.


Creating commands

To create commands use the node.register_command(command_name: String, function: Callable, arguments: bool = true) method. Enter a name and the method/function to be called upon entering the command into the console. The arguments argument describes wether the callback method has arguments attached.

Calling commands

Calling commands through the console is simple. Every command starts with "/" followed by the command itself. Additionally every argument is entered with a space inbetween: "/say_hello_to player_one playert_wo". The entered arguments are given to the method that was registered to a given comment as an array of Strings ["player_one", "player_two"].

Build in commands

  • help
    Displays all registered commands.

  • toggle_console
    Used to toggle the console. The console can also be toggled using the "K" key.

  • clear
    Used to clear the console of all text.


  • void print_message(text: String)
    Main method to print a message to the console/textchat. The text string can be customized using the different text formatting methods. Text formatting can be achieved with bbcode.

  • void register_command(command_name: String, function: Callable, arguments: bool = true)
    Register a command to be used through the console. The command_name is written into the console. The function is a Callable that is called when the command_name is entered into the console. If the function has no arguments set arguments to false.

  • void delete_command(command_name: String)
    Deletes a registered command.

  • void clear_console()
    Deletes all entered Text.

  • String timestamp()
    Return the current system time in the form [h:min].

  • String col(color, text: String)
    To color a text insert color as a Color type or as a string that represents a html/hex color code in the form #xxxxxx.

  • String bold(text: String)
    To print a text in bold.

  • String italic(text: String)
    To print a text in italic.

  • String underline(text: String)
    To print a underlined text.

  • String crossed(text: String)
    To print a crossed text.


A Godot plugin that adds a console/textchat node







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