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Nashville Software School Fullstack Capstone: Tails of Joy

Tails of Joy was created in the hopes of promoting shelter dogs and allowing users to interact and share their stories and experiences.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. cd into client
  3. npm install to install React.js and the necessary packages
  4. Load up the server side on Visual Studio.
  5. Run 01_DB_Create SQl to create the database.
  6. Run the 02_Seed_Data SQL to populate the database.
  7. Run the server side application.
  8. Npm start inside of client.

Admin Role

To view admin capabilites login using the email and the password 123456.

The Admin has the following capabilities

  1. Edit their own profile, but cannot delete it.
  2. Add, Edit and Remove dogs from the list.
  3. Add, Edit and Delete a post.
  4. Add, Edit and Delete their own comments from a post.
  5. Approve or Deny Adoptions that users have applied for.
  6. View all unavailable dogs
  7. Reactivate dogs to the available list

User Role

To view user capabilites register a new user or login using the email and the password 123456

The User has the following capabilities:

  1. Edit or Delete their own profile.
  2. View list of all available dogs.
  3. View other User's Profiles.
  4. Add, Edit and Delete a post.
  5. Add, Edit and Delete their own comments from a post.
  6. Apply to adopt a dog, this will temporarily remove the dog from the list until the adoptoin is approved or denied.

Technologies used

  • ASP.Net
  • C#
  • SQL
  • React.js
  • Reactstrap
  • Cloudinary
  • Firebase


Full Stack Capstone Project






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