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148 lines (137 loc) · 5.39 KB

File metadata and controls

148 lines (137 loc) · 5.39 KB

The .julia folder is used in the centos6.6 docker container for the julia package directory

run .julia/ to tar.xz all the julia packages with their .git subfolder and copy the REQUIRE and metadata info. Also a gets copied

BinDeps creates hard coded full paths for binaries, e.g. in Rmath, so use inside the v0.6/ folder

find . -type f -exec sed -i 's#/root/#/home/ken/Coding/julia/centos6/#g' {} +

or on mac

LC_CTYPE=C find . -type f -exec sed -i '' -e "s+/root/+/home/ken/Coding/julia/centos6/+g" {} +

The script to package this was: rm -f julia_full_pkgs/* rm -f julia_full_pkgs/.cache

for dir in .julia/v0.6/*/ do base=$(basename "$dir") #zip -9 -r "${base}.zip" "$dir" -x .git #--exclude *.git echo "$base" tar cjf "julia_full_pkgs/${base}.tar.bz2" --exclude .git "$dir" done cp julia_full_pkgs/ cp .julia/v0.6/REQUIRE julia_full_pkgs/ cp .julia/v0.6/META_BRANCH julia_full_pkgs/

cp julia_full_pkgs cat >> julia_full_pkgs/ echo "output of Pkg.status(): " >> julia_full_pkgs/ JULIA_PKGDIR=.julia julia -E 'Pkg.status()' --startup-file=no >> julia_full_pkgs/

output of Pkg.status(): 19 required packages:

  • BenchmarkTools 0.2.5
  • CSV 0.2.1
  • CodecBzip2 0.4.1
  • CodecXz 0.4.0
  • CodecZlib 0.4.2
  • CodecZstd 0.4.0
  • Feather 0.3.1
  • FixedEffectModels 0.5.0
  • Flux 0.4.1
  • GLM 0.10.1
  • GR 0.25.0
  • IJulia 1.7.0
  • JuliaDB 0.6.0
  • Knet 0.9.0
  • MXNet 0.3.0
  • OhMyREPL 0.2.11
  • Optim 0.13.0
  • Plots 0.15.0
  • StatPlots 0.7.0 90 additional packages:
  • Adapt 0.2.0
  • AutoGrad 0.0.10
  • AxisAlgorithms 0.2.0
  • BinDeps 0.8.6
  • Calculus 0.2.2
  • CategoricalArrays 0.3.4
  • ColorTypes 0.6.7
  • Colors 0.8.2
  • CommonSubexpressions 0.0.1
  • Compat 0.53.0
  • Contour 0.4.0
  • Crayons 0.4.1
  • Dagger 0.5.2
  • DataArrays 0.7.0
  • DataFlow 0.3.0
  • DataFrames 0.11.5
  • DataStreams 0.3.4
  • DataStructures 0.7.4
  • DataValues 0.3.1
  • DiffResults 0.0.3
  • DiffRules 0.0.3
  • Distances 0.5.0
  • Distributions 0.15.0
  • DualNumbers 0.3.0
  • FixedPointNumbers 0.4.6
  • FlatBuffers 0.3.2
  • Formatting 0.3.0
  • ForwardDiff 0.7.3
  • GZip 0.3.0
  • Glob 1.1.1
  • IndexedTables 0.5.2
  • Interpolations 0.7.3
  • IterTools 0.2.1
  • IterableTables 0.7.0
  • IteratorInterfaceExtensions 0.0.2
  • JSON 0.16.4
  • Juno 0.4.0
  • KernelDensity 0.4.1
  • Lazy 0.12.0
  • LearnBase 0.1.6
  • LineSearches 3.2.5
  • Loess 0.3.0
  • Logging 0.3.1
  • LossFunctions 0.2.0
  • MacroTools 0.4.0
  • MbedTLS 0.5.5
  • Measures 0.1.0
  • Media 0.3.0
  • MemPool 0.0.6
  • Missings 0.2.6
  • NLSolversBase 4.2.1
  • NNlib 0.2.3
  • NaNMath 0.3.1
  • NamedTuples 4.0.0
  • Nullables 0.0.3
  • OnlineStats 0.15.3
  • OnlineStatsBase 0.5.0
  • PDMats 0.8.0
  • Parameters 0.8.1
  • PenaltyFunctions 0.0.2
  • PlotThemes 0.2.0
  • PlotUtils 0.4.4
  • PooledArrays 0.1.1
  • PositiveFactorizations 0.1.0
  • QuadGK 0.2.0
  • Ratios 0.2.0
  • RecipesBase 0.2.3
  • Reexport 0.1.0
  • Requires 0.4.3
  • Rmath 0.3.2
  • SHA 0.5.6
  • ShowItLikeYouBuildIt 0.2.0
  • Showoff 0.1.1
  • SortingAlgorithms 0.2.0
  • SpecialFunctions 0.3.8
  • StaticArrays 0.6.6
  • StatsBase 0.20.0
  • StatsFuns 0.5.0
  • StatsModels 0.2.2
  • SweepOperator 0.1.0
  • TableTraits 0.1.0
  • TableTraitsUtils 0.1.3
  • TakingBroadcastSeriously 0.1.1
  • TextParse 0.4.0
  • Tokenize 0.4.2
  • TranscodingStreams 0.4.1
  • URIParser 0.3.0
  • WeakRefStrings 0.4.2
  • WoodburyMatrices 0.2.2
  • ZMQ 0.5.1 nothing