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Check out my article on "Demystifying AWS EKS's aws-auth ConfigMap: A Comprehensive Guide"

Caution: Cost will be involved in creating these resources. For more information, do visit the relavent resource pricing pages as it differs from region to region.

To provision the resources in this repository:

  1. git clone

  2. If you have an exisiting KMS Customer-managed key in your account and wish to use it to encrypt the secrets in EKS, create a var.tfvars file and define the KMS key ARN there.
    kms_key_arn = "arn:aws:kms:..."

  3. terraform init

  4. Following the article, we do not want to create the managed node group yet, simply run terraform plan or
    terraform plan -var-file=var.tfvars if you have a KMS key ARN defined.
    There should be 20 resources to be created. If KMS key ARN is defined, 22 resources.

  5. terraform apply or terraform apply -var-file=var.tfvars
    As no backend is defined, the default backend will be local.
    Do wait for 5-10 minutes for the resources to be provisioned.

  6. When you want to create the managed node group, simply add a -var "create_node_group=true" to the command you have used above.
    E.g. terraform apply -var "create_node_group=true"
    There should be 5 resources to be created.
    Do wait for 5 minutes for the resources to be provisioned.


  1. terraform destroy


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