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281 lines (167 loc) · 8.65 KB


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281 lines (167 loc) · 8.65 KB

1.0.2 (unreleased)

1.0.1 (2019-05-20)

This is a minor bugfix release containing the following improvements:

  • Fixed minor bugs in PLDCorrector.correct() [#498], TargetPixelFile.create_threshold_mask() [#502], and LightCurve.bin() [#503].
  • Ensure users are alerted if a large number of cadences are masked out by

quality_bitmask when opening data products. [#495]

  • CBVCorrector now accepts a KeplerLightCurve as input. [#504]
  • The functions now provide a more helpful error message

if the download cache contains a corrupt file. [#512]

  • Switched continuous integration from Travis/Appveyor to Azure pipelines. [#497]

1.0.0 (2019-04-08)

This is the first stable release of Lightkurve. It was prepared with the help of 45 contributors!

This release contains major changes to the LombScarglePeriodogram class:

  • Changed the default behavior of LombScarglePeriodogram.from_lightcurve() to use normalization='amplitude' and oversample_factor=5 (the previous defaults were normalization='psd' and oversample_factor=1). The docstring has been expanded to help users understand these options. [#491]
  • Added a LightkurveWarning to alert users of the changes to the default behavior. [#493]
  • Deprecated the min_frequency/max_frequency arguments in favor of minimum_frequency/maximum_frequency to be consistent with the other Periodogram classes. [#478]
  • Likewise, deprecated the min_period/max_period arguments in favor of minimum_period/maximum_period to be consistent with the other Periodogram classes. [#478]

Other changes are:

  • Improved PLDCorrector to be more robust against the presence of NaNs. [#479, #488]
  • Improved search_tesscut to avoid crashing in the event of an empty search result, and to ensure that the files it returns carry the search string as the targetid attribute. [#475, #477]
  • Various minor bug fixes. [#488, #490, #494]

1.0b30 (2019-03-27)

  • Significantly improved the performance of the PLDCorrector feature for systematics removal. [#470]
  • Improved the normalization of the result returned by Periodogram.smooth(method='logmedian'). [#453]
  • Improved the visualization of NaN values in TargetPixelFile.plot(). [#455]
  • Various minor bug fixes. [#448, #450, #463, #471]

1.0b29 (2019-02-14)

  • The search_tesscut(...).download() feature now supports downloading rectangular TESS FFI cut-outs. It previously only supported squares. [#441]
  • Fixed a bug which prevented search_tesscut(...).download_all() from downloading all sectors. [#440]
  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements. [#439, #446]

1.0b28 (2019-02-09)


  • Simplified the installation of Lightkurve by turning several packages into optional rather than required dependencies (celerite, pybind, scikit-learn, and bokeh). [#436]
  • Added search_tesscut(): an easy interface to access data produced using the MAST TESSCut service. This service extracts Target Pixel Files (TPFs) from TESS Full Frame Images (FFIs). [#418]
  • Added TargetPixelFile.interact_sky(): an interactive Bokeh widget to overlay Gaia DR2 source positions on top of TPFs. [#124]
  • Changed LightCurve.fold(): the transit_midpoint parameter has been deprecated in favor of the t0 parameter. [#419]


  • Made BoxLeastSquaresPeriodogram robust against light curves that contain NaNs. [#432]
  • TargetPixelFile.wcs now works for Target Pixel Files produced using the MAST TessCut service. [#434]

1.0b26 (2019-02-04)

  • Introduced a new layout for the ``online documentation <>``_. [#360, #400, #406]
  • Added LightCurve.interact_bls(): an interactive Bokeh widget to find planets using the Box Least Squares (BLS) method. [#401]
  • Added LombScarglePeriodogram and BoxLeastSquarePeriodogam sub-classes to distinguish periodograms generated using different methods. [#403]
  • Added the PLDCorrector class to remove instrument systematics using the Pixel Level Decorrelation (PLD) method. [#305]
  • Added the TargetPixelFile.to_corrector() convenience method to make systematics correction classes easy to access. [#305]
  • Refactored SFFCorrector to make its API consistent with PLDCorrector, and deprecated the LightCurve.correct() method in favor of LightCurve.to_corrector(). [#408, #417]
  • Made SFFCorrector robust against light curves that contain big gaps in time. [#414]
  • Minor bug fixes. [#392, #397, #420]
  • Increased the unit test coverage. [#387, #388]

1.0b25 (2018-12-14)

  • The TargetPixelFile.interact() bokeh app now includes a Save Lightcurve button [#329].
  • Fixed a minor bug in LightCurve.bin() [#377].

1.0b24 (2018-12-10)

  • Added support for TESS to search_targetpixelfile() and search_lightcurvefile() [#367].
  • Added support for data generated by the TESScut service [#369, #375].
  • Removed "Impulsive outliers" from the default set of quality constraints applied to TESS data [#374].
  • LightCurve.flatten() is now more robust against outliers [#372].
  • LightCurve.fold() now takes a transit_midpoint parameter instead of the phase parameter [#361, #363].
  • Various minor bugfixes [#372].

1.0b23 (2018-11-30)

  • TargetPixelFile.create_threshold_mask() now only returns one contiguous mask, which is configurable using the new reference_pixel argument [#345].
  • TargetPixelFile.interact(): now requires Bokeh v1.0 or later [#355].
  • utils.detect_filetype() automatically detects Kepler or TESS Target Pixel Files and Light Curve files [#340, #350, #356].
  • LightCurve.estimate_cdpp(): the argument sigma_clip was renamed into sigma [#359].
  • Fixed minor bugs in LightCurve.to_pandas() [#343], LightCurve.correct() [#347], FoldedLightCurve.errorbar() [#352], LightCurve.fold() [#353].
  • Documentation improvements [#344, #358].
  • Increased the unit test coverage [#351].

1.0b22 (2018-11-17)

  • was added to provide a single function to read in any light curve or target pixel file from Kepler or TESS and return the appropriate object [#317].
  • The from_fits() methods have been deprecated in favor of [#336].
  • The lightkurve.mast module has been removed in favor of the new module.
  • Various small bugfixes, speed-ups, and documentation improvements [#314, #315, #322, #323, #325, #331, #334, #335].

1.0b21 (2018-10-29)

  • The from_archive() methods of KeplerTargetPixelFile and KeplerLightCurveFile have been deprecated in favor of the new search_targetpixelfile() and search_lightcurvefile() functions. These allow users to inspect the results of their queries and offer more powerful features, e.g. cone-searches. If you are currently using tpf = KeplerTargetPixelFile.from_archive("objectname"), please start using tpf = search_targetpixelfile("objectname").download() instead.
  • TargetPixelFile objects can now be indexed and sliced. [#308]
  • The default number of windows used by the SFF systematics removal algorithm has been changed from 1 to 10. [#312]
  • Various small bug fixes and unit test improvements.

1.0b20 (2018-10-16)

  • We adopted a rule that all method names must include a verb, and all class properties must be a noun [#286]. As a result, we renamed the following methods:
    • LightCurve.cdpp() is now LightCurve.estimate_cdpp()
    • LightCurve.periodogram() is now LightCurve.to_periodogram()
    • is now LightCurve.show_properties()
    • TargetPixelFile.aperture_photometry() is now TargetPixelFile.extract_aperture_photometry()
    • TargetPixelFile.centroids() is now TargetPixelFile.estimate_centroids()
    • TargetPixelFile.header() is now a property.
  • Added Periodogram.smooth() [#288].
  • Periodogram.estimate_snr() was renamed to Periodogram.p.flatten() [#290].
  • Lightkurve can now read in light curve files produced using LightCurveFile.to_fits() [#297].

1.0b19 (2018-10-10)

  • The Periodogram class has been refactored;
  • The LightCurve.remove_outliers() method now accepts sigma_lower and sigma_upper parameters.