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Laravel Commands

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Commands for Laravel 10 and up.


Install package via composer:

composer require kerigard/laravel-commands

Publish the configuration file using the vendor:publish artisan command to configure or disable unnecessary commands:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kerigard\LaravelCommands\CommandsServiceProvider" --tag=commands-config

Publish the stubs files using the vendor:publish artisan command to change the structure of generated classes:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kerigard\LaravelCommands\CommandsServiceProvider" --tag=commands-stubs



Running Laravel Pint via artisan command.

pint [options] [--] [<paths>...]
Argument Description
paths Run Pint on specific files or directories
Option Shortcut Description
--verbose -v Show details of changes
--test -t Inspect code for style errors without actually changing the files
--dirty -d Modify the files that have uncommitted changes according to Git
--preset[=PRESET] -p Use preset with rule set to fix code
--config[=CONFIG] -c Use pint.json config from a specific directory


Run Laravel Pint.

php artisan pint

Run with arguments:

php artisan pint app/Models routes/api.php -t --preset psr12 --config vendor/my-company/coding-style/pint.json

Make Enum

Create a new enum class.

make:enum [options] [--] <name>
Argument Description
name The name of the enum
Option Shortcut Description
--force -f Create the class even if the enum already exists
--help -h Display help for the given command


Create a enum class:

php artisan make:enum Status

Creates a file app/Enums/Status.php.

Make Trait

Create a new trait class.

make:trait [options] [--] <name>
Argument Description
name The name of the trait
Option Shortcut Description
--force -f Create the class even if the trait already exists
--help -h Display help for the given command


Create a trait class:

php artisan make:trait HasRoles

Creates a file app/Traits/HasRoles.php.

Make Contract

Create a new contract interface.

make:contract [options] [--] <name>
Argument Description
name The name of the contract
Option Shortcut Description
--action -a Create a contract for an action
--force -f Create the interface even if the contract already exists
--help -h Display help for the given command


Create a contract interface:

php artisan make:contract CreatesUser

Creates a file app/Contracts/CreatesUser.php.

Create a contract for action:

php artisan make:contract CreatesUser --action

Creates a file app/Contracts/CreatesUser.php.

Make Action

Create a new action class.

make:action [options] [--] <name>
Argument Description
name The name of the action
Option Shortcut Description
--contract[=CONTRACT] -c Create a new contract for the action
--force -f Create the class even if the action already exists
--help -h Display help for the given command


Create a action class:

php artisan make:action CreateUser

Creates a file app/Actions/CreateUser.php.

Create action and contract:

php artisan make:action CreateUser --contract CreatesUser

Creates app/Actions/CreateUser.php and app/Contracts/CreatesUser.php files.

Create action and contract with the same name:

php artisan make:action CreateUser --contract

Creates app/Actions/CreateUser.php and app/Contracts/CreateUser.php files.

Make Service

Create a new service class.

make:service [options] [--] <name>
Argument Description
name The name of the service
Option Shortcut Description
--contract[=CONTRACT] -c Create a new contract for the service
--force -f Create the class even if the service already exists
--help -h Display help for the given command


Create a service class:

php artisan make:service UserService

Creates a file app/Services/UserService.php.

Create service and contract:

php artisan make:service UserService --contract User

Creates app/Services/UserService.php and app/Contracts/User.php files.

Create service and contract with the same name:

php artisan make:service UserService --contract

Creates app/Services/UserService.php and app/Contracts/UserService.php files.


Please see the CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


MIT. Please see the LICENSE FILE for more information.