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Welcome to ERC20 Token Faucet 👋

Maintenance License: MIT

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A useful ERC20 token faucet for testing ERC20 smart contract functions!
Actually, you can mint Kerry Token only in Goerli Testnet.

How do you mint a Kerry Token?
Easy, go to ERC20 Token Faucet Homepage at this link. Then connect your Metamask wallet and click on button 'MINT TOKEN', confirm the transaction, wait the confirmation about network and enjoy with a one unit of Kerry Token!

How can you see your Kerry Token balance?
Simple, go to ERC20 Token Faucet Homepage at this link. Then connect your Metamask wallet and click on button 'SEE MY BALANCE' and you can see your Kerry Token Balance with other important information!


gif demo ERC20TokenFaucet application

Deployed Token Addresses

Symbol Decimals Network Address Active
KTK 18 Goerli 0xcf185f2F3Fe19D82bFdcee59E3330FD7ba5f27ce 🟢
KTK 18 Sepolia 0xcf185f2F3Fe19D82bFdcee59E3330FD7ba5f27ce 🟢

Testnet Ether Faucets

Network Explorers Testnet ETH Faucets


ERC20TokenFaucet uses the following depedencies:

  • Ethers;
  • Browserify;
  • Tailwind.
In the project, Ethers is used for interacting with Web3 provider and handling the operations related to Kerry Token smart contract like:
  • retrieve ERC20 token name;
  • retrieve balanceOf about signer;
  • transfer a unit of Kerry Token to the sender of transaction.

ERC20TokenProject uses different classes for handling the request given in, input from the user (such as: checking the user balance related to Kerry Token). For this scope, the other package used in the project is Browserify. This library, allows use Node. js-style modules that compile for use in the browser. This tool generates a file, which contract all the project modules, called bundle.js present in the folder called dist.

Tips: Each time, you modify a single (or multiple) file into scripts folder you must to run into terminal this command for building the new bundle.js file with your changes:

npx browserify ./scripts/[nameFile].js --standalone bundle -o dist/bundle.js


npx browserify ./scripts/index.js --standalone bundle -o dist/bundle.js

This project also uses a CSS framework called Tailwind, it allows you to build a responsive site in a fast way. For any changes that you'll make to front-end, remember to run tailwind before with this command:

npx tailwindcss -i ./css/styles.css -o ./dist/output.css --watch

And then you can start to modify the website design.


In this project, the test is divided into:

  • End-to-End test;
  • Smart Contract test.

The first type allows to test the front-end of application. In detail, using cypress are tested all the behaviors that application should execute in specific conditions.
You can view the tests inside the following path: {rootProjectFolder}/tests/integration. For the second type the test-development environment called Hardhat. With this tool, it tested the smart contract for minting a unit of Kerry Token.
You can view the tests inside the following path: {rootProjectFolder}/tests/smartcontract.

For running the test that I described above in your terminal, you can digit one of following commands:

  • End-to-End Test:
  • npm run cypress-test 
  • Smart Contract Test:
  • npm run hardhat-test 


👤 @Kerry1207

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
For contributing to the project, please follow this steps:

  1. Fork the repository from "develop" branch;
  2. Create your branch using this standard: feature/[NewFeatureName];
  3. Commit and push your changes;
  4. Open Pull Request.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.


A useful ERC20 token faucet for testing ERC20 smart contract functions!







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