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2. What is a Work Item?

Crystal Tenn edited this page Dec 14, 2018 · 7 revisions
  1. Click on Boards and then Work Items. This is the new Work Items hub where you will be able to view any work items that are recent or pertaining to you.
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  2. You can also create work items here. Click + New Work Item and you will see that there are a lot of types of Work Items. The work Work Items is a general term that can describe Epics, Features, User Stories (same as Product Backlog Item / PBI), Tasks, Bugs, Test Cases etc. A Business Analyst will typically work with Epics, Features, and Product Backlog Items. Developers work with Product Backlog Items, Tasks, and Bugs. QA works with Bugs and Test Cases. Alt text
  3. Now, click on Boards > Backlogs. Click on the Gear symbol on the top right for Settings.
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  4. On the pop-up modal, click Backlogs, and Check the box for Epics. Alt text
  5. Click Save and close. Alt text
  6. Refresh the page manually. Then, click on Backlog items and change the view to Epics. Alt text
  7. Click + New Work Item, type in "As a customer, I want to purchase items online.", then press Add to top. Alt text
  8. Click on the Epic that you just created. Alt text
  9. This is the Work Item view. The fields will vary a little bit depending on type of Work Item, but generally they have similar fields. An explanation of each of these is in the recorded demo if you need a refresher, or you can always ask your instructor if you are doing these labs in person. Alt text
  10. Click on the icon with the arrow on it, as shown in screenshot below. This is the history tab. Alt text
  11. Click on the icon with the link icon on it, as shown in screenshot below. This is the links tab. Alt text
  12. Click on the icon with the paperclip icon on it, as shown in screenshot below. This is the attachments tab. Alt text
  13. Click the "X" on the top right of the Work Item modal to close it. Alt text