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DATT: Deep Adaptive Trajectory Tracking for Quadrotor Control


First, install requirements.txt.

The repo requires the parent folder exist on PYTHONPATH.

The recommended setup is to create a folder named "python" (e.g. in your home folder) and then clone DATT in ~/python.

mkdir ~/python
cd ~/python
git clone

Next, in your .bashrc, add ${HOME}/python to PYTHONPATH. e.g. add the following line.

export PYTHONPATH="${HOME}/python":"${PYTHONPATH}"

Change directory and rc file as needed (e.g. if using zsh).


This repo contains the simulation code for training DATT and running MPPI and PID. For running on the real Crazyflie, see our drone stack here:


For training the main policy from the DATT paper, from the learning folder, run:

python -n policy -c -t trajectory_fbff --ref mixed_ref -ts 25000000 --checkpoint True

To evaluate the policy, run:

python -n policy -c -t trajectory_fbff --ref random_zigzag -s 500 --viz True

More detailed instructions to come. Crazyswarm code pending.

Setting up a task / configuration

Training a policy requires specifying a task and a configuration. The task describes the environment and reward, while the configuration defines various environmental parameters, such as drone mass, wind, etc., and whether/how they are randomly sampled.


See tasks in .learning/tasks/. Each class is superclass of BaseEnv, which has the gym env API. In practice, the primary thing that should change between different drone tasks are the action space and reward function.

Standard trajectory tracking should have trajectory_fbff passed in.

NOTE: When adding a new task, you must modify the DroneTask enum in to add the new task along with its corresponding environment, for it to get recognized.


./configuration/ defines all the modifiable parameters, as well as their default values. To define a configuration, create a new .py file that instantiates a AllConfig object named config, which modifies the config values for parameters that are different from the default values. See config profiles in ./configuration/ for examples.

NOTE: should not be modified (it just defines the configurable parameters). To create a configuration, a new file needs to be created.

Configurable parameters that can be randomly sampled during training can be set to a ConfigValue (see Each ConfigValue takes in the default value of the parameter, and whether or not that parameter should be randomized during training. If a param should be randomized, you need to also specify the min and max possible range of randomization for that parameter.

Each parameter is part of some parameter group, which shares a Sampler, which specifies how parameters in that group should be randomly sampled if they are specified to be randomized. By default, the sampling function is just uniform sampling, but the sampling function can take in anything, like the reward or timestep, which can be used to specify a learning curriculum, etc. To add more info to the sampling function input, or to change when in training a parameter is resampled from the default, however, you must modify the task/environment.

Training a policy

Run from the command line. It takes the following arguments:

  • -n --name : the name of the policy. All log/data files will have this name as the prefix. If you pass in a name that already exists (a policy exists if a file with the same name appears in ./saved_policies/), then you will continue training that policy with new data. If not provided, autogenerates depending on the other parameters.
  • -t --task : the name of the task; must be defined in the DroneTask enum in Essentially, this specifies the environment. Defaults to hovering
  • -c --config : The configuration file (a .py file), which must instantiate an AllConfig object named config.
  • -ts --timesteps : The number of timesteps to train for, defaults to 1 million. The model also saves checkpoints every 500,000 steps.
  • -d --log-dir : The directory to save training logs (tensorboard) to. Defaults to ./logs/{policy_name}_logs

NOTE: must run from the ./learning/ directory for save directories to line up correctly.

Evaluating a policy

Run with the policy name, task, algorithm the policy was trained on, and the number of evaluation steps.

This script currently just prints out the mean/std rewards over randomized episodes, and visualizes rollouts of the policy in sim.

Running the Simulator

As stated in the paper we introduce our architecture DATT and compare it with PID and MPPI as baselines.

A sample sim run can look like :

python3 --cntrl <controller name> --cntrl_config <controller config preset> --env_config <env config file> --ref <ref>
  • cntrl : name of controller i.e pid / mppi / datt [Default : datt]
  • cntrl_config : Default controller configurations are in ./controllers/ In this field, you make a preset of the default configurations and add them to ./controllers/ You add the preset name from the preset file in this field.
  • env_config is the same as config during training
  • ref : reference trajectory to be tracked by the controller
  • seed : seed of a particular trajectory family you want to use.

PID --cntrl pid --cntrl_config pid_config --env_config --ref random_zigzag


python3 --cntrl mppi --cntrl_config mppi_config --env_config --ref random_zigzag


We are providing pre-trained models for DATT for different tasks :

Task Configuration file Model
Hover datt_hover
Trajectory tracking (No adaptation) datt
Trajectory tracking with adaptation datt_wind_adaptive
# hover
python3 --cntrl datt --cntrl_config datt_hover_config --env_config --ref hover
# trajectory tracking without adaptation
python3 --cntrl datt --cntrl_config datt_config --env_config --ref random_zigzag --seed 2023
# trajectory tracking with adaptation with L1 adaptation
python3 --cntrl datt --cntrl_config datt_adaptive_L1_config --env_config --ref random_zigzag --seed 2023
# trajectory tracking with adaptation with RMA adaptation
python3 --cntrl datt --cntrl_config datt_adaptive_RMA_config --env_config --ref random_zigzag --seed 2023


Repo for paper DATT: Deep Adaptive Trajectory Tracking for Quadrotor Drones






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